LIVE BLOG & LIVE WEBCAST: Election Day 2012 Breaking Updates [1:00AM EST]


This story will be updated with breaking news items of interest in regard to Election Day 2012. The newer stories will be on the top, with the older items pushed down.

1:00AM EST: Mitt Romney has conceded defeat in the presidential contest. The Republican nominee told supporters he would pray for Barack Obama’s success in leading the nation. Romney thanked his running mate Paul Ryan, saying the Wisconsin congressman had a bright future in the GOP. Romney lost nearly all the major battleground states to Obama including Ohio, the hardest fought prize. The former Massachusetts governor said it was time to put aside partisan bickering and work together for the good of the country.

11:58PM EST: Recapping tonight’s wins: Romney wins Utah, Montana, Arizona, Missouri, Idaho, Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, West Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Indiana and Kentucky.

Obama was the winner in his home state of Illinois, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Washington, Minnesota, New Mexico, Maine, New York, Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and the District of Columbia.

11:16PM EST: NBC News has projected President Obama to win re-election.

11:13PM EST: Fox News projects that Barack Obama has won Ohio.

11:07PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won the state of Missouri. Obama has 244, and Mitt Romney has 203.

11:03PM EST: CNN projects that Mitt Romney will win Arizona, Idaho, Montana, and Utah, while Barack Obama has won California.

11:00PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won the states of  North Carolina and Idaho. Barack Obama will win Washington and Hawaii. As of this update, Obama has 244, and Mitt Romney has 193.

10:51PM EST: Fox News projects that Barack Obama has won the state of Minnesota. As of this update, Obama has 173, and Mitt Romney has 174.

10:43PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won New Mexico and Arizona.

10:20PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won Nebraska. Barack Obama has won Maine. As of this update, Obama has 162, and Mitt Romney has 162.

10:00PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won Utah and the state of Montana.

9:54PM EST: Fox News projects that Barack Obama has won New Hampshire. As of this update, Obama has 157, and Mitt Romney has 154.

9:34PM EST: In Florida, a nail-biting situation is being watched closely where Romney and Obama both have 50% of the vote, and are just 500 votes apart.

Obama 3,518,679
Romney 3,519,315

9:25PM EST: Fox News projects that Barack Obama has won Wisconsin.

9:16PM EST: Fox News projects that Barack Obama has won Pennsylvania.

9:12PM EST: Florida is still close – 50%-50% right now, with Romney ahead by slightly more than 1,000. 76% have been counted so far (via CNN).

9:08PM EST: The Republican Party will retain control of the House of Representatives, CNN projects.

9:00PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Barack Obama has won Michigan and New York. As of this update, Obama has 123, and Mitt Romney has 154.

8:38PM EST: For our readers wondering:  270 electoral votes are needed to win the race. As of this update, Obama has 78, and Mitt Romney has 88. The next polls close at 9:00PM.

8:35PM EST: Take a look at the YWN article from 2008, when Obama won the election.

8:30PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won Arkansas.

8:23PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won Alabama and Mississippi.

8:17PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won Tennessee.

8:16PM EST: Fox News projects that Barack Obama has won New Jersey.

8:06PM EST: CNN projects that Mitt Romney has won Oklahoma. CNN projects that Barack Obama will win Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

7:51PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won Georgia.

7:39PM EST: Fox News projects that Mitt Romney has won South Carolina.

7:31PM EST: FOX News projects that Mitt Romney has won the state of West Virginia. Ohio & North Carolina are too close to call.

7:04PM EST: FOX News projects that Mitt Romney has won the presidential race in Kentucky and Indiana, while President Obama has won Vermont. Georgia and South Carolina are currently too close to call.

6:52PM EST: Here is a list of the key poll closing times for the presidential race. All times are in Eastern Standard Time.

7 p.m.: Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia

7:30 p.m.: North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia

8 p.m.: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee

8:30 p.m.: Arkansas

9 p.m.: Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming

10 p.m.: Iowa, Montana, Nevada, Utah

11 p.m.: California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

1 a.m: Alaska

6:33PM EST: The economy was the most important issue among those who voted today, CNN reports based on early exit polls.

Of those voters who were asked about the biggest economic problem facing “people like you,” 40% said it was unemployment, 37% said rising prices, 13% said taxes and 8% said it was the housing market.

Of those who voted today, 24% said they were doing better today compared with four years ago, 34% said they were doing worse and 41% said they were doing about the same.

Streaming by Ustream

5:10PM EST: From NJ Gov Chris Christie:

“I told Gov. Romney at that time that if the storm landed as predicted that it was going to be catastrophic to New Jersey and unprecedented,” Christie said. “I said to him, ‘Listen, Mitt, if this storm hits the way I think it’s going to, I’m off the campaign trail from here to Election Day.’ And he said to me, ‘Chris, of course. Do your job, don’t worry about me. I’ll take care of things.’ So all this other noise, I think, is coming from know-nothing, disgruntled Romney staffers who, you know, don’t like the fact that I said nice things about the president of the United States. Well, that’s too bad for them.”

“He told me last Sunday night that he expected no other political travel or help from me over the course of the remaining time between then and the election, if in fact the storm hit the way it was projected,” Christie continued. “If it missed us, I would have been happy to go out on the road and help him. But it didn’t.”

3:22PM EST: The founder of polling outlet Rasmussen Reports, Scott Rasmussen, says the presidential race is too close to call. “I have no idea who’s going to win tonight,” Rasmussen told Fox News on Tuesday. “I look at the numbers, I keep looking for them to tell me who’s going to come out on top and it’s too close to call.”

12:50PM EST: The final Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll of Election 2012 shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 49% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 48%. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate. Both candidates are viewed favorably by 50% of voters nationwide.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. On the contrary, this information is absolutely essential. This conveys the idea that in states where there is no foregone conclusion, your vote might be a tie-breaker and you should go cast it. And even in states where there is usually a foregone conclusion, states have been known to go the other way. New York State and California did vote Republican for Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Richard Nixon.

  2. Felder is an amazingly genuine person, who really cares about his constituents. He did a lot of good for us as a councilman, and it be a terrible shame if he is beaten by an unproven newcomer…

  3. Its all over. Several of the political blogs have just called the election for Obama. Even Virginia and Florida could go Blue. Hopefully, the Republicans will now acknowledge the reality of 4 more years and work with our President on the nation’s problems and show some willingness to compromise. More importantly, time for Mark Levin and the other regular Obama haters to deal with their worst nightmare. Most importantly, thanks to YWN for reporting both sides of the debate and allowing all voices with the kehillah to be heard.

  4. I just said Tehillim Chapter 140. It seems appropriate. Hashem is really the One in charge of who will win the Presidential election but we have to do our hishtadlus.

  5. One thing is very clear, WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE SYSTEM. This electing system is fixed. How do I know this? How can states project in certain states that Obama the putz won in the state like New York, New Jersey and California before they even count one vote? This whole voting system is flawed and Congress should consider changing the system because the popular vote should count over a dumb electoral system

  6. How does California gets 55 electoral votes? How can one state bring so much power? If you look at each state you will see way more red then blue, yet its the big cities that make the difference.

  7. To No. 11: Its called the constitution and it would take an amendment to change the electoral college system and that simply ain’t gonna happen. The popular vote is irrelevant other than to provide some overall indicator of sentiment. And by the way, Obama won the popular vote as well. As far as how they can forecast outcomes so early, its a combination of statitics and exit polling data. I think you are so unhappy with the message you are trying to kill the messenger.

    To No. 13: California got its electoral votes by way of its population in the 2010 census. The electoral votes are reallocated every decade and California is the biggest state in the nation and gets a proportionately larger share of the electoral votes.

  8. Now that the voting is over and wannabe Ayatollah Obummer was re-elected it’s time for us Jews as well as The State of Israel to sit “shiver”.
    We, The State of Israel are the big losers from this dirty election, the worst and dirtiest I have seen in my long life.

  9. To No 15.

    Agreed. The Republicans and espcially their PACs such as American Crossroads, and the ones funded by the Koch Brothers and Adelson ran nothing but negative, hateful and generally untrue ads about President Obama. They tried to use gimics such as grainy, black and white photos of the President agaainst a backdrop of tearful and anxiety provoking images and scary music. Guess what. None of it worked. Even having Donald Trump hold news conferences with this lies of the day about the “birther” issue made him look like a fool.

    Bottom line: Sit shiva for the Republican party. Its dead. They need to reinvent themselves around new and more progressive ideas that resonate with younger people and the minorities who will soon be majority in this country. From your comments, you will clearly be happier moving to EY and finding sympathy among the right wing zealots over there.

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