Again: Colin Powell Endorses Obama

Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on Thursday endorsed Barack Obama in his bid for re-election, citing the Democratic president’s efforts to wind down the war in Afghanistan and tackling terrorism.

“And so I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on,” the Republican, who also backed Obama in 2008, told “CBS This Morning.”

The move comes just days after Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney clashed over foreign policy in the third and last presidential debate ahead of the Nov. 6 election.

Polls show a tight race between Obama and Romney. A Reuters/Ipsos online tracking poll gave Romney a 1-point edge on Wednesday, 47 percent to Obama’s 46 percent.

Powell criticized Romney’s foreign policy as inconsistent and questioned the former Massachusetts governor’s ability to tackle the deficit and looming defense cuts.

“I’m not quite sure which Governor Romney we’d be getting with respect to foreign policy,” Powell said, calling Romney’s foreign policy “a moving target.”

As for the U.S. budget, he added: “It’s essentially let’s cut taxes and compensate for that with other things, but that compensation does not cover all the cuts intended or the expenses associated with defense.”


17 Responses

  1. Reality check: Colin Powell is Black. So he sold out his party & political philosophies & went with his personal, cultural loyalties. No one said it last time, so I’m saying it now. And no, it’s not a racist comment – haven’t you noticed the overwhelming Black support for Obama (which I don’t understand considering they are far worse off today, notwithstanding Obamaphones & 47 million people, many of whom are minorities, on food stamps) & his change of speech response to his audience? It’s OK for him to use race, but we can’t say it as we see it?

  2. Selling out party & political philosophies & went with his personal, cultural loyalties. Tell me computerbuddy, and assuming your insight to be true…just what is it called when a Yid goes out of his way to vote for a Jew? Please, just tell me now.

  3. He voted for Obama last time. Once a loser, always a loser. What do you expect, if he was dumb enough to vote Obama 4 years ago, he suddenly became smart?

    It was Powell, in the first Gulf War, who convinced Bush Sr. that the war was over, Saddam was done, and the US could leave Iraq. He was 100% wrong but no one ever called him on that one. He was 100% wrong in 2008 and he’s 100% wrong now. If he’s one thing, it’s consistent.

    Does Obamacare cover Colinoscopies?

  4. YonasonW, I never said it’s wrong to vote “for your own kind.” Do I do it? I don’t think I consciously did. But Obama’s campaign uses race as a divisive tactic (remember Biden’s remark about keeping Black men in chains), whereas I haven’t seen Jews do that (except between 2 Jewish candidates.) G-d forbid a white person mentions anything to do with Blacks which is ALWAYS construed as racial…as per your angry remark. The double standard is nauseating. So you go vote Obama on Nov 6 & I’m going to go to work TODAY so I won’t become another addition to the 47 million on food stamps. Have a great day.

  5. yonasanw,

    actually if you remember it wasnt 100% (or even close to it) thay voted for gore/LEIBERMAN for the reason blacks shouldnt vote for Obama are they truly better off now with Obama in office (higher racism)

  6. General Powell is blinded by the color of obama. If Powell used his brains, those he seemingly had till about 5 years ago, he would see that obama is nothing more than a spoiled brat manchild in an empty suit.

    Maybe he’s campaigning for Hillary’s job in the second term?


  7. I have noticed that blacks will vote for Obama simply because he is black. It doesn’t matter what he does or doesn’t do, they will vote for him. Colin Powell is such a loser, who cares who he votes for. All Yiden should vote for a true friend of Israel and that is MITT ROMNEY.

  8. Computerbuddy – Obama’s campaign uses race as a divisive tactic? Excuse me sir…it is far from mere liberal paranoia to say that racism plays a role in this campaign…there have been many press reports of racist campaign signs at Tea Party rallies, racist slogans spray painted at Obama campaign offices…both I and acquaintances have had the epithet “n… lover” thrown at us, by black hat wearing Yidden I might add, for supporting Obama. You need only to check out the bloggesphere to find ample evidence that “no n…. in the White House” is a sentiment shared by more than an insignificant segment of the those opposing Obama.

    And yes…Biden was out of bounds when he made his comment….but to act like race is not a major factor in anti-Obama circles is disingenuous nonsense

    Another thing…It takes organisation and money to mount the Ohio billboard campaign, to finance the voter ID initiatives, to mount and promote the “Birther” nonsense, to pay for, produce and mail the Florida “Other Father” video. These are big-lie race tainted propaganda campaigns, orchestrated and well funded by unnamed (Chas v’ shalom there be disclosure of donors to superpacs) big players supporting Romney.

  9. Frum-n-Fair – we all should be as big a “loser” as is General Powell…it is a measure of how free this country is, and of how safe we are, that a frum Jew feels free to publish such disrespectful dribble about one who served both as Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

    By the way, General Powell is completely fluent in Yiddish, as frum boys were among his closest childhood friends…at a young age he was a neighborehood Shabbos Goy. His credentials and achievents are very inpressive. All for naught for the likes of you because he supports Obama and is Black. Such an Ohr L’Goyim you are.

  10. Yonason if you put your money where your mouth is you would vote obama out of office. The blacks have suffer more becaus e of obama ecnomic policy than white. Women have also been worst under obama. The people he is suppose to help is the ones hhe is not. he lied about Libya and he is lying about helping the blacks. The blacks I know want jobs..

  11. Anyone can say anything he wants in public. It’s what he does in the privacy of the voting booth that matters.
    The thing that sickens me the most is that there are still “Orthodox” Jews who are voting for this rasha. How they can justify voting for him is beyond me.

  12. YonasonW is a vicious liar when he claims there has been racism at TEA Party rallies, and if where were any racist slogans spray painted at Obama campaign offices they were probably inside jobs. Oh, and yidden helping and supporting each other, and giving each other preference over nochrim, is a chiyuv de’oraisa. But blacks have no mitzvah to support each other; no god commanded them to do so. They do it out of racism.

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