Obama: ‘Michelle and I Will Be Fine No Matter What Happens’

In his latest fundraising email to supporters, President Barack Obama says, “Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens” in the election. Instead, Obama’s trying to win the contest “for our country and middle-class families.”

Here’s the full pitch:

I don’t want to lose this election.

Not because of what losing would mean for me — Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens.

But because of what it would mean for our country and middle-class families.

This race is very close.

I’m not willing to watch the progress you and I worked so hard to achieve be undone.

Time is running out to make an impact — please don’t wait any longer. Donate $5 or more today:

I believe in you. If you stick with me, and if we fight harder than ever for the next two weeks, I truly believe we can’t lose.

Thank you,


P.S. — I don’t know what Election Night will hold, but I’d like you to be a part of the event here in Chicago. Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a chance to meet me — airfare and hotel for you and a guest are covered.

(Source: Weekly Standard)

10 Responses

  1. Dear Fellow Jews and Americans!

    This email says it ALL. Have you ever seen such negativity ?

    Instead of saying, “I don’t want to lose this election” a positive person would say either, “I want to win this election” or “I WILL win this election”.

    Instead of saying, “Not because of what losing would mean for me — Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens”, say, “Not because of what winning will mean for me – Michelle and I want to continue the work we began”.

    Instead of saying, “This race is very close”, a positive person would say, “I am confident that the majority of my fellow Americans will make the right choice”.

    Instead of saying, “I believe in you. If you stick with me, and if we fight harder than ever for the next two weeks, I truly believe we can’t lose”, a positive person would say,”I believe in you. If you stick with me, and if we get across our message ever for the next two weeks, I truly believe we will win”.

    Instead of saying, “Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a chance to meet me — airfare and hotel for you and a guest are covered”, a humble person would say, “For a chance to celebrate with my friends and family”.

    On the reverse, listen to the POSITIVE and HUMBLE message from our next President!

  2. Your bad taste is breathtaking takinmgabreak…and were you “touched” by all the GIs killed because of Bush’s Iraq blunder?

  3. YonasonW, were you as touched with the 20 percent under / unemployment rate we have?

    Were you as touched when Clinton made a mockery of the presidency with his ilicit relations?

    Get off your high horse because your side is WAY WAY WAY worse!

  4. Of course BHO will be fine. He is an uber rich snob. Of course he doesn’t want you to know that because he thinks it doesn’t fit his persona. The fact is he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth!

  5. #5, What blunder? The removal of Saddam Hussein was necessary and a good purpose, and well worth the very minimal cost, compared to any normal war.

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