Video Surfaces Of Obama In 2007 Suggesting Racism Slowed Aid To Post-Katrina New Orleans

It’s the Obama speech on race you probably haven’t heard.

In June 2007, then-Sen. Barack Obama told a mostly black audience of ministers that the country’s leaders “don’t care about” New Orleans residents, suggesting the city was neglected in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina because of institutional racism, according to an unedited video reported on by The Daily Caller.

In the address, delivered during the upswing of the Democratic presidential primary season, candidate Obama specifically criticizes in outspoken terms the decision not to waive a federal law known as the Stafford Act that requires communities hit by disasters to match 10 percent of federal aid.

“When 9/11 happened in New York City, they waived the Stafford Act. … And that was the right thing to do,” he tells the crowd at Hampton University in Virginia. “When Hurricane Andrew struck in Florida, people said, ‘Look at this devastation. We don’t expect you to come up with your own money. Here, here’s the money to rebuild. We’re not going wait for you to scratch it together, because you’re part of the American family.’ ”

Obama, echoing rapper Kanye West’s infamous anti-Bush remarks a couple years earlier, then argues that New Orleans was treated differently, suggesting the reason was that the city is mostly black.

“What’s happening down in New Orleans? Where’s your dollar? Where’s your Stafford Act money?” Obama says. “Makes no sense. … Tells me that somehow the people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much.”

The Obama campaign, in response to the resurfacing of the video, noted that the speech was covered in 2007 and claimed the fresh attention was an attempt to change the subject away from Mitt Romney’s own controversial comments about the “47 percent” of Americans who don’t pay taxes.


6 Responses

  1. As the article notes, this video got widespread coverage in 2007, including a front-page story in the Chicago tribune and a full transcript published by the author. Its getting funny how these desparate Romney groupies are searching around the internet to find “stuff” that might get 15 minutes of media attention. A more recent video clip circulating this morning of Ryan saying that 30 percent of Americans want a welfare state and never want to work is equally stupid and irrelevant to the election.

  2. What this story doesn’t mention is that 0bama’s claims about federal aid to Louisiana, like Kanye West’s infamous claim, were false.

    And yes, of course this should draw attention away from the Romney tape. What’s wrong with that, and how is it relevant? How does it change the fact that 0bama, speaking to a black audience, put on a black accent that he never uses, and pandered to them heavily, telling lies to stoke racial resentment and calling on racial solidarity?

  3. Gadolbe’einav, stop lying already. The video was never publicized before, and the so-called “transcript” was of the prepared remarks, not of what he actually said. Nobody reported what he said at that speech until now.

    And everyone knows it’s perfectly true that at least 30% of people want a socialist welfare state, and think it’s only right and proper that other people’s money be forcibly taken away to support them. You know it, and in fact you’re probably one of them.

  4. reply to no. 3

    Its irrelevant because the American people have had 4 years to judge Obama on race and every other issue based on what he has done as President. Going back and wasting time on some old video diverts time and attention from current issues where there are real differences between the candidates.

    P.S. Karl rove just quoted your posting almost verbatim on Fox News (or perhaps you are spouting his nareshkeit).

  5. to “gadol hatorah” romney does not need to look for stuff on obama. what has obama accomplished after all of his grand promoses of what he would deliver 4 yrs ago? it needs to be revisited because the media has continually ignred obamas rottenness such as his association with the “reverend” wrong(wright)

  6. #1 Where did he get that african american accent? Hawaii?
    #2 the Stafford act was lifted 10 days prior to his speech
    And # 3 the biggest misleading lie of all from Obama is that he was 1 of 14 senators who voted AGAINST lifting the act so where does he have the gall to accuse the Bush administration?
    This man is totally disingenuous.

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