Romney Doubles Obama’s Charitable Giving

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign is releasing a brief summary of 20 years of tax returns on Friday, and his accountant says it will show he gave 13.45 percent of his adjusted gross income to charities.

That’s nearly twice the rate of President Obama, who according to his tax returns from 2000 through 2011 donated just less than 7 percent of his adjusted gross income to charities.

Mr. Romney’s campaign did not release his returns, but instead had his trustee, Brad Malt, write a blog post giving some details of returns from 1990 through 2009.

The campaign has released Mr. Romney’s 2010 return and, later Friday, will release his 2011 return, which he filed with the IRS earlier in the day.

The campaign has released Mr. Romney’s 2010 return and, later Friday, will release his 2011 return, which he filed with the IRS earlier in the day.


18 Responses

  1. #1, you are indeed git meshige. How is it relevant that Romney makes more than 0bama? Why should that automatically mean he should give a bigger percentage? The fact that he gives double 0bama’s percentage speaks very well of him, and we should be impressed. As we should by the very fact that he does make so much more than 0bama; it means he’s so much more productive than 0bama, that he’s contributed so much more to the world than 0bama has. Remember that Romney has earned every penny he has; nobody gave him anything, and the entire yerusha he got from his father went straight to charity.

  2. to Git Meshige, conservative are know to give double of what liberal are donating. so DUH, it’s doesn’t matter how much they make but they will give at least 10%!

  3. #1, don’t you worry about Obama! He makes plenty. And he could still give the same percent, even though it is less money. The answer is that Romney is twice the man that Obama is, in every way.

  4. for #1:

    Please read–he gave 13% of his adjusted gross income, so if he made more, he gave more. Either way it’s more than “ma’aser” which is not bad for a non-Jew.

    Also take into account how much Obama made selling his book while he was president.

  5. #2,

    Being git meshige is no excuse for doing poorly in math. Romney’s 13.45% is almost 2x more Obama’s 7%, regardless of who makes what. Someone who made $1 million last year may have a much harder time giving a full $100,000 maasser than one who made $70,000 in which case he would give $7,000. If anything, Romney’s 13.45% is twice greater than Obama’s in relative terms, and could be ten times more in absolute terms. In short, while we don’t know much about Romney, we knew even less about Obama. The problem with Obama is that what we know about him is not good at all. Actually, is quite bad.

  6. Git Meshige,

    WRONG!! The answer is because as an uber socialist liberal democrat, Obama DOESN’T give charity! He is good with money when its yenim’s gelt but when its his own, he’s a major cheapskate.

    FYI: Generally, Conservatives (political, of course!)far more than double the charity of liberals.

  7. #5, Those polls are oversampling Democrats. They are assuming D turnout will be even higher than four years ago, which is ridiculous. R voters are energized, D voters are not. All the enthusiasm for 0bama four years ago has evaporated; even those who will vote for him aren’t very motivated, and many of them will wake up on the day and decide not to bother.

  8. A. His church requires a minimum of 10% charity

    B. Obama pays a higher percent taxes

    C. Romney gets more tax savings from charity because he is avoiding (legally) death tax

    D. Does anyone seriously think that Tax returns are the major issue now?

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