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Poll: Romney 48 Percent, Obama 45 Percent

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 48% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 45% of the vote. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

The recent numbers may have been impacted by a number of factors. Clearly, one is the fading of the president’s convention bounce. Last week, Scott Rasmussen anticipated this fade by noting that the conventions would have no lasting impact on the race.

Additionally, last week’s jobs report was disappointing. However, consumer confidence did not fall in the wake of that report. That may be due to the fact that the poor results were no surprise to consumers. Confidence also may have been impacted by the Fed decision to provide additional stimulus. That decision boosted both the stock market and investor confidence. Nearly half of all consumers are also investors.

Finally, it is way too early to evaluate the political impact, if any, from recent events in the Middle East. Today’s tracking data shows that despite the extensive news coverage of Arab attacks on U.S. embassies, only six percent (6%) of voters consider national security issues the most important during this election cycle. That’s little changed from five percent (5%) before the attacks began. Additionally, voters currently trust the president more than Romney on national security issues by a narrow 46% to 43% margin. That, too, is little changed following recent events.

In Ohio Obama leads by a point. In Florida, the president is up two. Romney has edged back into the lead in Missouri and now earns 51% of the vote in North Carolina.


2 Responses

  1. Even though Romney might not be 100% is sure is better than the rubbish in the white house. The white house had 48 hours notice about Libya and did not warn the ambassador. obama has his hands in the death of the ambassador.

    Instead of going to security briefings every day like all NORMAL PRESIDENTS DO, he is flying around Air Force 1 and looking for votes to be re-elected. What he has done to date
    requires impeachment not re-election

  2. Rasmussen polls random telephone numbers, if the call does not go through they pick a new number. Other pollsters will continue to retry the number at different hours. This means that Rassmusssen polls skew towards people who are home more often. This tends to be Republicans. So, their polls have a small GOP bias.

    Also, nationwide polls are irrelevant. Romney has virtually no chance of winning without Florida and Ohio and he is behind in both those states.

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