Are You Better Off Than 4 Years Ago? 44 Percent Say No, 37 Percent Yes

It was the question that Mitt Romney presidential campaign and Republican Party officials kept asking earlier this month: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

After some initial stumbling, the response from President Obama’s campaign and other top Democrats was “yes.”

A new national survey indicates that a plurality of registered voters say they’re not better off. But a majority continue to blame former President George W. Bush and Republicans for the country’s economic problems.

According to a CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday, 37% of registered voters say compared to four years ago, their financial situation is now better, with 44% saying they’re now financially worse off, and nearly one in five saying that their situation is the same. Among crucial independent voters, one in three say they’re better off, with nearly half saying they’re worse off and 17% saying they’re in the same financial situation.

As for the country as a whole, nearly seven in ten say that current economic conditions are somewhat poor or very poor, with 32% saying conditions are very or somewhat good. Two-thirds say conditions will be very or somewhat good a year from now, with just over three in ten predicting they will be very or somewhat poor.

As for who gets the blame for the current state of the economy, fingers are still being pointed at the former president.


8 Responses

  1. Most are not better off and blaming bush is not necessarily wrong but to not blame Obama for not moving thr needle on fixing the issue is just dumb.

  2. My 401k and Iras are up 116@ percent under Obama. 4 years ago we thought we were going into a depression. I’m much better off. Also the guy that tried to kill me on 9/11 was killed under Obama

  3. I *am* better off. I have a better job. Many of my friends (especially lawyers) who had no jobs 4 years ago are now working. My sister, who is 24 and out of grad school but can’t find a full time job, is still covered by insurance thanks to “ObamaCare” (or RomneyCare National).

    So my answer is YES, although I don’t necessarily think Obama is responsible for all of it.

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