Drudge: Condi Rice Near Top Of VP List

In a nice bit of subject-changing from Romney-world, Drudge has a report up this evening saying Condoleezza Rice is ‘near the top’ of the VP list:

Late Thursday evening, Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign launched a new fundraising drive, ‘Meet The VP’ — just as Romney himself has narrowed the field of candidates to a handful, sources reveal.

And a surprise name is now near the top of the list: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice!

The timing of the announcement is now set for ‘coming weeks’.

Rice was back in the news after her speech at Romney’s Park City retreat also drew Veep buzz.

(Source: Politico)

9 Responses

  1. This is not good news. Condi Rice was a vicious snake at the State Department during the Bush Administration. She is bad for Israel. Her working relationship with PM Netanyahu was not good.

  2. 1. Romney already has the Neo-Con vote in his pocket.

    2. It won’t help with Blacks, or in any border states.

    3. Economics is the big issue, and Miss Rice has no expertise in the matters.

  3. Terrible mistake Mitt! Rice is a moderate she is no conservative, under bush everyone thought she was rock solid and then went on to prove otherwise and picking her will deflate all the air out of you campaign

  4. Let us all include in our prayers that Romney will not consider Condi as VP. It was bad enough having her with George Dumb Bush’s administration.

    Romney is going to be the next president and he has hard work to correct America’s crummy economy, he needs Condi like we Jews need Rice on Pesach.

  5. She voted for Obama in 2008! She said it without saying it in a number of interviews in 08. She voted for skin color and NOT the good of the USA. WE DONT NEED HER!

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