MItt Wants Obama Apology Over ‘Felony’ Remark

The battle between President Obama and Mitt Romney reached new levels of rancor Thursday, with each campaign accusing the other of lying over Romney’s tenure at private-equity firm Bain Capital.

The charges flew at a rapid pace, and by the end of the day the Romney campaign was demanding an apology after a senior Obama campaign official said the Republican presidential candidate may have committed a felony.

Obama official Stephanie Cutter made the claim following a Boston Globe article that said documents show Romney was in charge at Bain for three years longer than he had claimed. Cutter said Romney was either misrepresenting his position at Bain to the Securities and Exchange Commission, “which is a felony,” or misrepresenting to the American people.

Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades issued a blistering statement in response.

“President Obama’s campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign,” Rhoades said. “President Obama ought to apologize for the out-of-control behavior of his staff, which demeans the office he holds. Campaigns are supposed to be hard fought, but statements like those made by Stephanie Cutter belittle the process and the candidate on whose behalf she works.”

The challenge capped a frenzied and nasty day on the campaign trail.

Earlier, Romney released a new ad calling Obama dishonest and asking if the American people can “trust him to lead” if he “doesn’t tell the truth.” The release which accompanied the ad in an email to reporters also cited Obama’s “lies and exaggerations.”

The ad titled, “No Evidence,” was an aggressive rebuttal to Obama’s claims that Romney outsourced jobs while at the helm of Bain Capital.

“There was no evidence that Mitt Romney shipped jobs overseas,” a narrator says in the ad.

But the Obama campaign pushed back in a statement charging the ad is part of Romney’s “big Bain lie.”


9 Responses

  1. #2, When truth battles lies, justice does not lie somewhere between them. Halfway between right and wrong is still wrong. So it’s not good enough for you to say “you’re both wrong” unless you have grounds for it.

  2. Yes the one who will be all about unity and hope and change. “I don’t see red states of blue states; I see the United States”. There is no doubt that the fear of losing his status as the most powerful man in the world(and the most abusive president we have seen in our lifetimes has him running scared

  3. Yes the one who will be all about unity and hope and change. “I don’t see red states of blue states; I see the United States”. There is no doubt that the fear of losing his status as the most powerful person in the world (not to mention the most corrupt and abusive president we have seen in our lifetimes) has him running scared. We can expect to hear a lot worse in the coming months.

  4. Romney is 100% right on this; the whole allegation is ridiculous. If the administration really thinks Romney committed a felony why don’t they charge him? Of course the reason is because they don’t really think that. They’re just saying it for propaganda purposes because they’re desperate. But it seems a strange claim to make when their own candidate is an ADMITTED FELON! They’re making stupid allegations about Romney felonies that never happened, when 0bama has admitted to possessing hard drugs. That’s like their previous gaffe when they tried to make hay out of the fact that Romney’s grandfather was a polygamist, until they realised that 0bama’s father was one too.

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