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Poll: White House Failed On Economy

While American voters consider the Obama administration successful on national security, majorities say it has mostly failed at stimulating the economy and improving health care — two areas the White House cites as major legislative accomplishments.

A Fox News poll released Thursday shows 55 percent of voters think the Obama administration has mostly succeeded on making the country safer.

More than half of voters think the administration has mostly failed at creating new jobs (56 percent), stimulating the economy (54 percent) and improving health care (52 percent).

Roughly a quarter of Democrats agree that the administration has failed on creating jobs (28 percent), boosting the economy (24 percent) and improving health care (22 percent).

Most voters think the economy is hurting, including 41 percent who say the country is currently in a recession.  This is an improvement from two years ago when 55 percent thought so.  Forty-two percent say the country is in an economic downturn, but not a recession and 15 percent think the economy is doing okay.

Despite majority belief that the administration has made the country safer, views are about evenly divided on improving America’s image around the world:  48 percent say the Obama administration mostly succeeded and 44 percent say the opposite.

On U.S. drone attacks targeting terrorists for assassination, 49 percent of voters think the president should be personally involved in those decisions, while 39 percent disagree and 12 percent are unsure.

More generally, 37 percent voters think the United States is less respected around the world today than it was four years ago, 29 percent say more respected and 32 percent say it’s unchanged.


5 Responses

  1. What’s amazaing and scary is that nearly half think the white house is doing a good job on jobs, the economy and healthcare. Are they living in the same USA as the rest of us?

  2. Yes, Obama failed to revive the economy, but please remember it was George D. (for dumb)Bush who screwed it into shambles by ignoring it while he went looking for imaginary terrorists in Iraq, screwing up that country totally.

  3. but Bush did not ad $5,,000,000,000,000 of new deficit spending. Bush did not add obamacare, Bush did not add the
    tons and tons of new regulation to literally force people out of business. Bush did not give $2,000,000,000 to drill in the Atlantic Ocean to Brasil and stop drilling off shore
    of America. Bush did not force up the price of gasoline as obama did. Number 2 stop obama’s mantra

  4. Sure, the Administration has some of the blame. However, let’s not forget Congress.
    When we the last time we had a real budget (not a series of continuing resolutions)?

  5. #2, Bush was the only one who tried to do anything about the subprime mortgages, which is what created this mess. It was Barney Frank and Chris Dodd who resisted him. The mess is 90% their fault, and only 10% Bush’s for not fighting harder.

    And the terrorists in Iraq were imaginary?! What on earth are you talking about? The weapons we thought we’d find were either not there, or were moved before they could be found, but there’s no doubt about the terrorists!

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