Obama’s $3.6 Million New York City Haul

President Obama is expected to raise at least $3.6 million for his reelection effort Monday, according to a campaign official.

The president is scheduled to attend three fundraisers in New York City with former President Bill Clinton. The first fundraiser will be at hedge fund manager Marc Lasry’s home, where approximately 50 guests spent $40,000 per person on tickets.

At another reception at the Waldorf Astoria, about 500 guests paid at least $2,500 for a chance to see Obama, Clinton and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.

And Obama will also attend a fundraiser and concert at The New Amsterdam Theater, where about 1,700 guests will see both presidents and listen to performances.

(Source: Politico)

One Response

  1. New York is home to Wall Street, and that sector tends tofavor the Democrats (and vice versa – one gets contributions and the other gets bailouts), though it mightr be less enthsiastic this year since Obama does have a propensity to bite the hand that feeds.

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