Ron Paul Won’t Campaign In Any More States

Ron Paul won’t campaign in any more primaries, his campaign announced Monday afternoon.

A letter sent from Paul to supporters promised to continue the battle for delegates at state party conventions in order to try to influence the party’s platform, but said the campaign will no longer try to win delegates in new states — an uphill battle now that Mitt Romney is the presumed nominee and most states have gone to a winner-take-all system of delegate apportionment.

“We will no longer spend resources campaigning in primaries in states that have not yet voted,” Paul said in the letter. “Doing so with any hope of success would take many tens of millions of dollars we simply do not have.”

(Source: The Hill)

One Response

  1. Ron Paul has not suspended his campaign. He will not campaign in states that have primaries, only caucuses. The reason being, that he doesnt want to waste the money he has on convincing people that they should vote for their own freedom. Anyone who doesnt realize where our country is headed, its time to wake up. We are actually moving back in time , like the slogan that Obama says “Forward” which refers to marxism, communism, and thats where we are going. We have lost all our constitutional rights because we dont fight for them. THis should be a real wake up call for everyone. There has been so much fraud against Ron Paul, and for a good reason. Big government is afraid of him. He is out to promote freedom, which isnt part of their plan.

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