Senator Joe Lieberman Says He’s Staying Out Of 2012

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), who was Democrat Al Gore’s vice presidential running mate and supported Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for president in 2008, insisted he’s of the 2012 race.

“I’m going to try something different this year,” the senator said on “Fox News Sunday.” “I’m going to try to stay out of this one.”

The senator, who’s not seeking reelection this year, said he relishes the chance not to be involved in presidential politics.

“I’m enjoying not being involved in the nastiness of campaigning in America these days,’ he said. “I think this year, when it comes to the presidential election, I’m just going to do what most Americans do: go in the voting booth on election day and in the privacy of the booth cast my vote.”

(Source: Politico)

3 Responses

  1. I don’t agree with Lieberman on many issues especially social ones (at least his political views) and well he is economically quite Democratic. But his independence is to me so impressive. It’s easy to say you are independent and talk of greatness of bi-partisanship etc., but it is so tough to actually be a person of values, not of a particular party, and seek compromise. As religious Jews, we ought to know that political persuasions are not a religious matter (perhaps at times common sense but nonetheless not a core of person). Believing in tax cuts or increased social benefits are not mitsvas nor have any major impact on the person who believes or disbelieves in them. The main thing is believing in Hashem, following the Torah, working on our middos, and living lives that are makadesh Shem Shamayim. I again don’t think Lieberman has made all wise decisions by any means, but it doesn’t take away that he has made a Kiddush Hashem in his political life. He is a person who does what he feels is right, does not care that he will be disliked by some, and has constantly shown that politics are the not of core of life, rather his family and his faith. Not to mention that I have heard that he does seek the counsel of poskim for unique shailas that relate to a man of his standing.

    Not really related to the article, but just wanted to say my thoughts on the Senator from Connecticut.


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