Poll: Majority Say Gingrich & Paul Should Drop Out

Most voters say it’s time for Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to drop out of the Republican presidential primary, according to a CNN-ORC poll released on Tuesday.

Sixty percent of those polled said Gingrich should drop out of the race, while 61 percent said Paul should end his campaign.

Gingrich and Paul trail badly in the polls and the Gingrich campaign is in debt. Both have pledged to stay in until the convention.

The poll shows Romney with a double-digit lead over the field nationally, taking 36 percent, followed by Santorum at 26 percent, Paul at 17 percent, and Gingrich at 15 percent.

Santorum led Romney 34 percent to 32 percent in the same poll taken one month ago.

Many have speculated that Gingrich dropping out would benefit Santorum, as both have positioned themselves as the conservative alternative to Romney. However, the CNN-ORC poll shows that this is not the case.

A majority of Gingrich supporters said they would support Romney as their second choice. Without Gingrich, Romney’s lead extends from 10 percent to 15 percent, and without Paul, it grows to 19 percent.

The poll was conducted from March 24-25 and has a 3 percent margin of error.

(Source: The Hill)

2 Responses

  1. So after all that, I want to know:

    1. Was the person polled a democrat or republican?

    2. IF and I mean IF the person was a republican, who are they supporting in the primaries?

    Based on those two questions, I feel the poll results are suspect.

  2. Forty percent favor their continued candidacies! That’s impressive.

    Many of Gingrich supporters believe him to be the establishment candidate, and they will gavitate to Romney.

    In a deadlock, Gingrich can win by being the “second choice” of both Romney and Santorum supporters.

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