Santorum Won’t Close Door To Vice President Spot Romney Ticket

Rick Santorum would consider taking the number two spot on a presidential ticket with Mitt Romney.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) on Monday, Santorum said he would “do whatever is necessary to help our country.”

“I mean, look,” Santorum said. “I would do in this race as I always say, this is the most important race in our country’s history. I’m going to do everything I can. I’m doing everything I can. I’m out there. In the last 10 months, I’ve had five days off. Two for Thanksgiving, and three for Christmas.”

Santorum’s openness seems at odds with the strong attacks he’s lobbed at Romney recently. He’s repeatedly said that the passage of a healthcare reform law in Massachusetts during Romney’s time as governor makes him an especially weak candidate against President Obama.

Santorum’s CBN interview came just a day after a tense encounter with a New York Times reporter in which the former Pennsylvania senator was asked if he could elaborate on why he said Romnney was “the worst Republican in the country to put up against Obama.” Santorum accused the reporter of mincing words and said that he was referring to Romney only in the context of healthcare. On Monday Santorum said he didn’t regret disagreeing with the reporter.

“I don’t regret it at all. He’s the worst candidate to go against Barack Obama on the most important issue of the day,” Santorum said Monday. “That’s what I said yesterday. That’s what I’ve said in every single speech I’ve given throughout the course of this campaign.”

(Source: The Hill)

4 Responses

  1. Given Santorum’s personal attacks on Romney, that’s unlikely. It should also be noted that Sanotrum’s ability to win votes in general elections are in question (he last won an election in 2000, and in 2006 set a record for poor showing by an incumbant). If Romney is trying to get “Tea party” support through a Vice-Presidential choice, he’ll consider names such as Rand Paul, Eric Cantor, Bobby Jindahl, or any other well known conservative who has not been viciously attacking Romney.

  2. It’s time for him to give it up, he has run a great campaign and did a lot better than most people would have thought but that being said Romney is going to be the nominee its time to unite and work together to defeat the President.

  3. I think it’d make sense to give him a cabinet position like Attorney General. A fresh face for VP is probably a good thing considering the feeling that the current candidates aren’t exciting the base and everyone else. I don’t know who a good VP would be. Rubio is the assumed safe bet.

    I personally like Santorum though, and I hope to vote for him in the NY primary which will be on the same day as Pennsylvania’s considered the state that could end it if Romney wins.

  4. I want to see Mr. Rubio from Florida to be on the ticket. It will carry Florida and motivate the spanish vote.

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