Republican Candidates Court Southern Support Before Primaries

The Republican presidential primary candidates are preparing to add to their delegate totals Tuesday with two big-ticket states in the South, where Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich need to excel to stay competitive.

Mitt Romney, on the other hand, acknowledged he doesn’t need to win Alabama or Mississippi to stay in the nomination hunt even as he expressed confidence — backed by late polling — that evangelical and socially conservative voters in the South think he’s the one to win the White House back from President Obama.

“John McCain didn’t win either of these states, Alabama or Mississippi,” he told Fox News. “We are delighted that we are doing so well there. The polls are suggesting it is kind of a three-way tie. It is an away game for me.”

Romney added that many in the two Southern states are joining his effort because “the other guys are nice folks, but they have not organized a campaign with a staff, the organization, the fund-raising capacity to actually beat Barack Obama. I have.”

The contenders fanned out on Monday across Mississippi and Alabama, which have 37 and 47 delegates up for grabs, respectively. Hawaii and American Samoa are also holding GOP caucuses on Tuesday.

Gingrich, who acknowledges that he needs to win one of the Southern states, was spending the day in Alabama Tuesday, though Romney and Santorum were moving on to states holding future contests.

Santorum has downplayed his chances of winning, though he claimed once more that Romney can’t secure the support of conservatives, particularly evangelicals who are part of the party’s key base.

“If the opportunity provides itself in an open convention, they’re not going to nominate a moderate Massachusetts governor who has been outspending his opponent 10-1 and can’t win the election outright,” Santorum said in a television interview as he campaigned across Alabama and Mississippi.

Romney has more delegates than his rivals combined, and is amassing them at a rate that puts him on track to clinch control of the nomination before the convention opens in the summer, a prospect that his rivals prefer not to dwell on. AP’s tally shows him with 454 of the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination, Santorum with 217, Gingrich with 107 and Ron Paul with 47.

The Republican contenders pointed toward the next primaries as a pair of national polls indicated Obama’s support has fallen after recent gains. A Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 46 percent of those surveyed approve the way the president is handling his job, and 50 percent disapprove. A New York Times/CBS poll found 41 percent approval, and 47 percent disapproval.

Evangelical voters play an outsized role in both state primaries. Four years ago, 77 percent of GOP primary voters in Alabama and 69 percent in Mississippi said they were born again or evangelicals, a group that Romney has struggled to bring to his side in the primaries. His best showing in a contested primary was 38 percent in Florida.

Hoping to establish a connection with Southerners, the former Massachusetts governor campaigned in Mobile, Ala., with comedian Jeff Foxworthy, whose trademark jokes begin “You might be a redneck if. …”

Romney isn’t — he was born in Michigan, educated at Harvard and elected governor of Massachusetts. And he drew laughter from his audience when he poked fun at himself by saying he hoped to go hunting with an Alabama friend who “can actually show me which end of the rifle to point.”

“We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in,” he says in an ad his campaign ran in both primary states, although not all the commercials were as self-deprecating as his rhetoric or as positive as his on-air message.

Restore Our Future, a super PAC that supports Romney, aired ads critical of Santorum for having voted in Congress to provide federal funding for Planned Parenthood, and attacking Gingrich for supporting action to combat climate change through cleaner sources of energy.

A radio ad the group aired across both states makes use of Santorum’s own voice, including him saying in a debate last month that he was proud of the earmarks he has supported and that he had voted for federal education mandates even though they are against his principles.

One Response

  1. One should note that:

    Romney is no liberal, and both Gingrich and Santorum have been know to compromise on ideological to get something done.

    While there is strong anti-Mormon prejudice, there is also strong anti-Catholic prejudice – and the fact that one has a Mormon going against a Catholic for the Evangelical vote suggests that such prejudices are mostly media-hype. However Gingrich being on his third marriage doesn’t help him, with anyone.

    Note that Paul is the only candidate with southern roots, and the only mainstream Protestant, which suggests that the major issues in the race are political and economic.

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