Gingrich Sees ‘A Real Danger’ Of Iranian Nuke Attack On American Cities

Newt Gingrich warned of a possible Iranian nuclear strike hitting American cities in a grim moment during a campaign stop in Cleveland Wednesday.

“You think about the dangers, to Cleveland, or to Columbus, or to Cincinnati, or to New York,” Gingrich said, according to The Associated Press. “Remember what it felt like on 9/11 when 3,100 Americans were killed. Now imagine an attack where you add two zeros. And it’s 300,000 dead. Maybe a half million wounded. This is a real danger. This is not science fiction. That’s why I think it’s important that we have the strongest possible national security.”

Iran’s ambassador to Russia warned Wednesday that a U.S. attack on the nation would be “suicide” as tensions escalate in the Persian Gulf over that nation’s nuclear aspirations.

“Iran has very good access to the whole world to carry out strikes against America,” Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi told reporters in Moscow, according to Bloomberg News.

Gingrich’s comments essentially echo those of Rick Santorum, who has used the issue of Iran to criticize his Republican opponents.

“Once they have a nuclear weapon, let me assure you, you will not be safe, even here in Missouris,” Santorum said at a campaign stop last Friday in Missouri. “These are folks who have been and are at war with us since 1979. This is a country that has killed more troops in Afghanistan and Iraq than the Iraqis and Afghans.”

Gingrich made no mention of Santorum — riding high after a sweep of the Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado contests Tuesday night — or chief rival Mitt Romney during his brief remarks in Cleveland.


2 Responses

  1. Newt is being alarmist.

    The flaw in his logic is that such an attack would hardly be a fatal blow to the United States, but would guarantee regime change (prehaps preceeded by some nuclear “ethnic cleansing”) for any country that was blamed. The USA, with thousands of nukes, could easily obliterate Iran and all its population.

    If Iran (perhaps assisted by Pakistan,whose nuclear program is more advanced) were to nuke anyone, it would likely be Israel since it would be a lot easier to wipe out Israel (a half dozen bombs and its over) and Israel’s ability to wipe out Iran (and much less, Pakistan and the Arab countries) is not at all clear.

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