Gingrich Camp’s Three Questions For Mitt Romney

Team Gingrich is out this morning with a list of three questions Mitt Romney should answer, all of them targeting the former Massachusetts governor’s personal wealth and ties to the financial services industry:

1. What Is Mitt Romney Hiding In Foreign Bank Accounts?

Now we know why Mitt Romney didn’t want to release his tax returns.

Careful examination of the 600 page filing of Mitt Romney’s tax returns show that he failed to disclose at least 23 bank accounts and trusts in his FEC required personal financial statement, 11 of which are located in foreign countries, a technique often used to obscure wealth or business dealings.

Was the Romney campaign’s failure to disclose these accounts in the FEC forms legal? What was he trying to hide?

Why does Mitt Romney need foreign bank accounts anyway?

2. What “Services” to Bain Capital Justify Romney Avoiding Paying Millions of Dollars in Taxes?

As detailed by the Wall Street Journal, Governor Romney’s tax returns reveal that he claims to be providing “services” to Bain Capital so that he can qualify for a 15% tax rate on profits earned by Bain, as opposed to the 35% maximum income tax rate.

However, Mitt Romney has previously said that he retired from Bain Capital in 1999. Is Mitt Romney still providing services to Bain Capital or not? …

3. Are Mitt Romney’s Attack Ads Funded By Taxpayer Dollars?

Governor Romney’s campaign finance disclosures show that Goldman Sachs is the largest single donor to his campaign, which has donated $367,000.

Goldman Sachs received $10 billion in emergency loans and bailouts from the Federal Reserve during the Wall Street bailout.

This raises the question: Are Mitt Romney’s dishonest attack ads against Speaker Gingrich being indirectly funded by the US taxpayer while Governor Romney uses shady accounting gimmicks to avoid paying his fair share of taxes?

(Source: Politico)

4 Responses

  1. Gingrich hurts himself by pretending to be a disciple of Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama. If you argue that Gingrich is no better than an Obama, a lot of people might prefer the original (at least he managed to stick to one wife and never took to being an overpaid consultant – though that’s probably in his future).

    The tax loopholes that Romney is using were ones that in no small part date back to the period when Gingrich was Speaker of the House, and are open to anyone (at least anyone in that bracket). To make matters worse, Gingrich isn’t even advoacting a change to the tax system that would eliminate these “loopholes” (a.k.a. tax incentives), such as a flat tax applied to all income. Instead of attacking Romney for being a good capitalist who understands how the tax look works, Gingrich should be making proposals to change the tax system (such as the “999” flat tax).

  2. #1 – akuperma
    He never attacked him for trying to pay less taxes! put on your reading glasses…
    He only is questioning – a) What is he hiding in overseas accounts, why didn’t he disclose them? and b) He must have still been at Bain well after he claims he left (and therefor had to do with so many people loosing their jobs).

  3. I really don’t care about Romney’s taxes. But I am much more concerned about his stand on Romney/Obamacare and his stand on abortion. They are really liberal stands. So why is he running as a supposed conservative? This is much more disturbing that how much money he made and paid in taxes.

  4. the money gingRICH “earned” as a “historian” for freddie mac is far more scandalous than anything romney ever did.

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