Is Mitt Traif? Newt Slams Romney On Kosher Food

At his first rally of the morning, Newt Gingrich rolled out a new attack line: Mitt Romney took kosher food away from elderly Jewish people.

“He eliminated serving kosher food for elderly Jewish residents under Medicare,” Gingrich said. “I did not know this, it just came out yesterday. The more we dig in, I understand why George Soros in Europe yesterday said it makes no difference if it’s Romney or Obama, we can live with either one.”

It was an expansion on Gingrich’s attack line against Romney about abortion, that he’s trying to eliminate religious freedoms by compelling religious organizations to provide abortion as part of their health insurance.

According to Ben Smith at BuzzFeed, the Romney campaign had the following to say:

A Romney aide said the kosher veto was one of hundreds made during a fiscal crisis, and was subsequently restored.

A spokeswoman for Romney, Andrea Saul, declined to address the charge directly, but said in an email, “It’s sad to see Speaker Gingrich lashing out in a desperate attempt to try and save his floundering campaign.”

(Source: Politico /BuzzFeed)


5 Responses

  1. While I prefer Gingrich, and think that he has a better chance to beat Obama regardless of what the poll’s say, one should note that:

    1. Romney has been pro-life for almost all of his career, and is a very active member (and leader) of a strongly pro-life church

    2. The veto of kosher food was NOT a specific veto of kashruth but was part of a larger bill affecting the overall level of medicaid funding, which after further negotiations with the legislature was passed and signed. Complaining about a single provision, that he subsequently improved, is quite dishonest (as Gingrich, a seasoned legislator) should understand.

  2. I think that as Frum Yidden we’re responsible to take into account the moral standing of the candidate we vote for. I think that makes the choice between candidates here pretty clear once one looks at their personal lives.

  3. “Romney has been pro-life for almost all of his career,”

    That’s not true. When he was running for governor of Mass, and when he was governor, he was openly pro-abortion.

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