Perry To Return To Texas To ‘Reassess’ Campaign

A tough fifth-place finish in Iowa for Rick Perry looks to be the death knell for a campaign beleaguered by a series of stumbles and gaffes that deflated the Texas governor’s campaign soon after it ballooned to the top of the GOP polls this summer.

Perry acknowledged nearly as much while speaking to supporters Tuesday night, saying he would return to Texas to “reassess” his candidacy.

“When I began this campaign nearly four months ago, I didn’t do it because it was a lifelong ambition to be president of the United States, I did it because out country was in trouble,” Perry said.

“They’re looking for someone to stand up and give them hope that we can get this country back on track again,” he continued. “But with the voters decision tonight in Iowa, I have decided to return to Texas, assess the results of tonight’s caucus and determine whether or not there is a path forward for myself in this race.”

Perry had originally planned to head to South Carolina on Wednesday for campaign events, but instead seemed likely to exit the race. With 97 percent of precincts reporting, Perry had earned just 10 percent of the vote, placing him fifth in the GOP field.

“With a little prayer and reflection I’m going to figure out the best path forward,” Perry said.


4 Responses

  1. Its absolutely absurd that some 100,000 Iowans get to determine for the entire USA who is in the race & who is out. Ron Paul gets to stay in the race because the Iowans said yes but Rick Perry has to drop out of the race because the Iowans said no. There are 50 states (unless you ask Obama) & here we have 1 state filtering down the pool of candidates for all of us. Imagine if the 1st caucus of the campaign was in Brooklyn…???

  2. The photo accompanying this article was just one of Perry’s numerous gaffes. He was going after the Amish vote when the picture was taken.

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