Gingrich Says Obama Should Give Up 2012 Salary

Newt Gingrich is seeking to salvage his Iowa campaign by going after President Obama — and suggesting the president give up his salary in 2012 because of reports he will spend most of the year seeking re-election.

At a campaign appearance this morning in Independence, Iowa, Gingrich blasted reports that Obama and his re-election team will run against a “do-nothing” Congress in 2012.

“For the president’s staff to announce that he’s now going to govern without Congress,” Gingrich said, reports the Des Moines Register. “Well, that means he’s not going to govern. He’s going to be a candidate for an entire year. He shouldn’t take his salary.

“He shouldn’t pretend he’s president because he’s just a candidate because he’s not doing the job of a president.”


9 Responses

  1. Gingrich is getting desparate and is beginning to sound like a real nutcase. All presidents seeking a second term, campaign for reelection while still governing. As a factual matter, Obama has spent more time in D.C. than his predecessor Bush who spent more time at his Texas ranch than at the White House, or Reagan who slept for a large percentage of his term. And yes, if Congress refuses to vote up or down on his legislative proposals, he should use his Executive Authority to the maximum extent he can. After all, Bush invaded Iraq without a declaration of war (and relied upon a vague resolution to use “appropriate force”.

  2. An earlier piece on YWN today reported that Newt objected to the money that Mitt Romney and Michael Bloomberg spent on their election campaigns. Newt seems to be awfully concerned about other people’s money. Newt should get his mind out of other people’s pockets. And he ought to start focusing on his own income, because that high-paying government job that includes a free house, car, and plane will not be his under any circumstances. Of course, when he’s back in the private sector, no one will give him any flack for his spending at Tiffany’s – unless he loses interest in Wife No. 3 and starts spending his Tiffany money on a girlfriend.

  3. How come he never asked President Bush to do the same thing in 2004?
    Here we have a portrait of a demogogue at its height.

  4. If Iowans are as serious and smart about elections as the media calls them, Newt could pull an upset victory tonight. It would send a strong message to the media that they can’t control the hearts and minds of the public with their perversions and distortions of truth.

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