Poll: Majority Of Americans Think Obama Should Not Win Second Term

The majority of Americans believe that President Obama should not win reelection and his job approval stands at a new low, throwing into doubt his chances to earn reelection according to a new AP/GfK poll.

More than half of Americans – 52 percent – said that President Obama should be voted out of office, a record high. Only 43 percent says he deserves a second term. Only 44 percent of voters approve of the job Obama has done as president, with 54 percent disapproving.

Those numbers are a sharp decline from May, when 53 percent said Obama should be reelected. Only 38 percent of independents are approve of the job the president is doing, and only 39 percent of all voters approve of the job Obama is doing on the economy.

Only 26 percent said the United States was headed in the right direction, and less than a third of respondents said they supported the president’s signature health care reform legislation.

But while those general metrics betray discouraging signs for the president, there is some reason for hope.

More people think the economy got better in the last month than worse – the first time respondents have answered that way since May. 45 percent approve of the president’s handling of the unemployment crisis, up from 40 percent in October.


8 Responses

  1. Obama will get vote only and that is the “idiot” vote, unfortunately that might be a majority!
    Where’s is charlie Hall does anyone know what happened to him. He was obama’s biggest defender.

  2. What continues to amaze me is that only 52% think he’s doing a lousy job and shouldn’t be re-elected. Why isn’t it something like 89%? The man is a stupid menace to society!

  3. Rabosai, for the sake of the Yiden, make sure not to vote for this rasha next, not you, not your family, and not your friends and neighbors.

  4. The numbers may get tighter as we get closer to election day…BUT…despite the difficulty the Republicans have making a final decision about a single candidate, WHOEVER they nominate will win. Remember Electoral College numbers will cause Obama to lose big time. Perhaps even his home state of Illinois.

  5. I would love to know the true political affiliation of those surveyed. I will bet with the 43% that would give him a second term, that this poll was stacked to the left. He has his 20% of drones out there and that should be it.

    Remember, if you voted for Obama in ’08 to prove you weren’t a racist, you MUST vote against him in 2012 to prove you aren’t an idiot!

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