Op-Ed: Gestetner Responds To Rebuttal

I saw a rebuttal here at YWN to my article of late last week which pointed out that Mr. David Weprin wants to run under a Jewish banner, yet he proudly voted in favor of the Marriage Bill — something that is against Orthodox Jewish values.

My general point regarding Weprin’s Jewishness is that (Orthodox) Jewish voters get excited when an (Orthodox) Jew runs for office. I therefore made the case to voters that a Jew in office does not necessarily represent their values or their interests.

Some examples: Weprin “proudly” voted against Jewish values in the Marriage Bill. Senator Charles Schumer – also a Jew – doesn’t seem to care much about his Jewishness; not on policy nor in specific cases when “extra” help is needed. Weprin again, easily voted last year to raise tax on Tobacco, which means he will do it on any other product or on income too.

So dear voter: Are you ready to pay more tax just because the guy who voted for the increase is Jewish? Do you want someone who thinks of himself as an Orthodox Jew to announce repeatedly that he “proudly” voted in favor of things that you don’t proudly back (or perhaps strongly oppose)?

At no time did I suggest that a Jew in office shall vote one way or another. He can do what he wants. I am however saying to Jewish politicians: If you vote against Jewish values, don’t discover your Jewishness on Election Day. And to Jewish voters am saying: don’t vote for someone based on his religion (or ethnic background) if that person’s policies do not serve you well.

For Jews in New York Nine to elect Weprin will mean an outcome as expected by the establishment media – a Democrat winning. But if Jews vote for Bob Turner, it will be an upset victory, with massive benefits for the Jewish Community. We in New York have this experience every time we fully back a Republican for public office since NY Republicans cannot afford to take our vote for granted as Democrats do. We should not deprive ourselves from such potential benefit just because someone is running under the Jewish banner.

Yossi Gestetner is a New York-Based Writer and Marketing Consultant in the Orthodox Jewish/Hasidic Communities. His Firm “Gestetner & Co” Serves Political, Charitable and Corporate accounts. Yossi can be reached via [email protected]

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


10 Responses

  1. As a City Council member, David Weprin was enormously supportive of Jewish social service organizations, with, as Mr. Gestetner says, “massive benefits for the Jewish Community”. The idea that he does not support Jewish causes entirely rests on one single vote on a matter that was going to pass with or without him. And tobacco taxes are the single best public health innovation since the ban on the use of lead in gasoline and interior paint, in short, a huge lifesaver that is completely consistent with our values. Do the Republicans really want to run on platforms that say that people should find it easier to pick up deadly addictions? Turner, on the other hand, endorsed the Ryan budget plan which would effectively end most social programs that benefit the Jewish community and the rest of the country, before backtracking yesterday. Weprin is clearly the more reliable choice.

  2. “Weprin again, easily voted last year to raise tax on Tobacco, which means he will do it on any other product or on income too.”

    I worked for a Congressman in the 90’s and someone left a voicemail one night suggesting that we should stop taxing tobacco and tax milk instead. We all laughed at that. I never thought I’d see someone actually put his name to the argument that taxing milk and tobacco are basically the same.

  3. Thank you, Mr. Getetner, for speaking common sense.

    I think we can safely assume that any politician who wins this election will help the community as much as possible financially. However, with a Republican controlled congress, a Republican congressman will have greater influence.

    The difference that really counts is the candidate’s position on social issues. Will he make a Chilul Hashem when he speaks out in favor of abominations and immorality in the name of the Orthodox jewish community. Will he create hatred against our community among non-Jews who are fed up with Jews who take the lead in promoting the destruction of decent life in this country.

    It has taken many decades for Agudath Israel and O-U to stake out an independent position on these issues in the minds of the American people. Until then, only the Reform position in favor of immorality was cited by the news media as the “Jewish” position. It was a massive Chilum Hashem.

    Now, this “Orthodox” turncoat wants to speak in the name of the largest Orthodox community in the U.S. and misrepresent our positions as being no different from Reform. Are we stupid enopugh to even consider voting for such a man to represent us?

    Mr. Weprin is an “O’JINO”–Orthodox-Jew-in-Name-Only.

    Let’s all vote for the best person in this race–Bob Turner.

  4. Unfortunately, MOST Jewish politicians leave their principles at home (or in shul)…and there are very few exceptions. The Weprin deal is a sham. It is just a fancy front to rope the Jewish community in. It is common knowledge that the 9th CD will be eliminated in redistricting. So why would Weprin leave a safe Assembly seat for a temporary job in Congress? BECAUSE THE BOSSES TOLD HIM TO. It is for their benefit ONLY!!! Now Bob Turner is another story. Since it is only an obviously temporary job he won’t personally gain much. Yes the Republicans will have a symbolic victory. BUT THE REAL VICTORS WILL BE THE JEWISH COMMUNITY. Every politician, including Obama remembers us around election day…and then follows their own agenda. Maybe now…if Turner wins in a Democratic district THEY will begin to really pay attention.

  5. Full disclosure requested:
    As stated by himself at the end of his Op-Ed, Mr. Gestetner has political clients. Will any of his current or potential clients benefit from his writings herein? If so, he is a Nogea BaDavar (i.e., he has a conflict of interest).

    This must be disclosed.

  6. Weprins vote on “marriage bill”, is largely irrelevant as far as congress is concerned. As for taxing smokers, that cuts across political lines. The way I see it, if you are stupid enough to smoke, despite all the evidence that suggests you shorten your life with each puff, you SHOULD pay an idiots tax.

  7. Dear Avraham: (no 6)

    Evidently you have forgotten the Rabbinical adage:
    “NIKARIM DIVREI EMES”–The truth is self-evident.

    By the way–full disclosure–I have no political clients, only a rebbe who taught me to follow the truth.

  8. No. 8: If the truth is self-evident, why do we need gedolim, or Rashi, or Rambam, or rebbes, or YWN? And why are there honest disagreements among reasonable and educated people over the truth?

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