Op-Ed On Disturbing Video: Elderly Jew Attacked By Neturei Karta After Confiscating Palestinian Flag During Wedding

This video is extremely disturbing.

It was taken at the recent Chasunah of the son of Yisroel Meir Hirsch in Yerushalayim, and shows a young member of Neturei Karta dancing with a Palestinian flag draped over his shoulders in the center of the dance floor.

Without hesitation, an elderly man walks over, and grabs the flag off the mans shoulders, and quickly walks away.

What happens next is truly disturbing.

The man, who appears to be in his mid 70’s, is attacked by an angry mob of young men, while some people try to protect him.

One man grabs his Yarmulka, and another grabs his Tzitzis – ripping them in half.

Eventually, the man needs to defend himself, and strikes one of the attackers with his hand.

This takes place while “Ashrei Mi SheGadol BaTorah” blares in the background. 

When watching this video (at 0:38), take note of the two young Bochurim, not older than 16, who really get confrontational.

While it can be disputed if this man was right or wrong for attending this wedding (which was a Neturei Karta / Hirsch celebration) and grabbing the flag, what can’t be disputed is the absolute Chutzpah of these young men. Their wild, violent acts are nothing short of a Chillul Hashem. What kind of homes teach this type of behavior? What Yeshiva teaches their Talmidim to respond with violence to someone grabbing a Palestinian flag?

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device (only).

(Boruch Scherman – YWN)

44 Responses

  1. This video made my skin crawl. Unfortunaltly, what more can be expected from a group of people who profess to be g-d fearing jews, yet have no issue kissing animals like Arafat and Achmadinijaad?? These people are the devil disguised as “Hassidim” They cast a black mark on the whole CONCEPT of Chassidim. and Orthodox Jewry. They must be eradicated at all costs. those morons are lucky I wasnt at the wedding, I woulda whacked them….. what a way to start off ELul!!!

  2. just as the pasuk says about pinchas who stood up to rasha – “heneni nosen es berisi shalom”
    im jealous of this old man’s olam haba for that courages act.
    many more people should learn from him and put an end to their (hamevin yavin- they not even worth mentioning by name) stupidity

  3. What’s truly disturbing about this incident is the fact that he attended this wedding! Is one allowed to attend a wedding with apikorsim? They are even worse they seem to appreciate the fact the Palestinians are murderers!! This wedding should have taken place in Gaza.

  4. I dont understand the big deal any Arab would do the same if you stole thier flag. THey are not any different internally and they apparently dont claim to be either?? Yesh din vyesh dayin!

  5. How can the neturei karta even consider themselves jewish doing such a discusting thing like bring the flag in to begin with but then to attack the courages man who put an end to that filth.

  6. To me it appears that they are all having a great time. The “elderly yid” is actually one of the leading figures in Neturei Karta. He loved every second, the tzizis were but a small price to pay for all the fun.

  7. I saw this video on another site, and I was aghast at the chutzpa of these b’haimos. I can’t watch it a second time because it is much too painful. These yidden who attacked this elderly yid are not chassidim. Unfortunately, they are lost with their hatred for other Jews and their love of Palestinians. It is sickening. You can only blame the parents and their rebbeim who are responsible for instilling in their minds heretical messages.


  8. these people are nuts they have taken a shita to far. Its one thing not to hold of a government but to side with the enemy thats not normal, therefore I say that they are not normal people and dont think other chasidim are like this at all they are a nutty minority

  9. Makes one wonder who’s worse, these troglodytes, who know only to hate, or the Avi Weiss’ of the world who base their mistaken tactics on ahavat Yisrael?

  10. FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this old man is part of the neturei karta.neturei karta is split in many different groupes,he is part of and supports neturei karta and fully supported the neturei karta trip to iran.he is against hanging the palestinian flag in the mea shearim neighborhood(not sure y)he is known to be wild.(if u look closely at the 16 year olds trying to pull away the flag,you will realize that some of them are trying to persuade him to just leave go,they all know him,and he knows them,no one hit him,they were just trying to pull the flag away.anyone that knows him(rabbi kroizer)would not be surprised.

  11. This video proves that we are in the times of Moshiach. Isn’t this broght down that the dor of Moshiach the chutzpah level will be beyond the norm?

    They are not frum. My rosh yeshiva keeps on screaming in his droshos at people who ask him how “frum” people can act this way. My rosh yeshiva always responds what makes them frum ?Just because they wear a yarmulek and daven in the morning? Our minds are warped with our definitions of what the word frum means.

  12. i personally recognize the kid/s that brought out the flags. they are the kid/s of the main public speaker of neturei karta who went to jail about a year ago. kraus is the name i believe. ive seen the firemen come to put out a fire erev shabbos in meah shearim due to a cholent accident and these specific kid/s yelled at them “nazi’s” while doing so.
    therefore, i believe it is a big mistake to generalize the action of a group of people based on this one persons huge wrongdoings.
    i’m sure everyone hates the fact that the same guys always get interviewed in america, the same ones that meat with ahmenidjad. and then we all worry that the goyim will generalize that all jews are crazy b/c of those 10 or so reshaim who get the interviews.
    so too here. this kid is bad news. a lot of other neturei karta as well. but just wanted to inform you that this guy is a repeat offender the same way that the guy you recognize from the interviews is.

  13. what i dont understand is how a gazlan like that can even be respected i understand that this was a neturei karta wedding where someone although might be crazy had a flag that he im sure paid for in full and belongs to him and if u ask any rov that will thats truthful enough to answer the sheilla correctly hell tell u that if some one steals something u may take it back by force especially if hes a gazlan as he stole it in public and im not saying that we should all aflags im just saying that he was sticking up for his beliefs yet didnt do anything wrong while the second fellow the thief actually while sticking up for his beliefs did so by doing something he doesnt believe in or was he just trying to have fun and didnt care about his jewdaism

  14. He should be lucky he got out alive. The Arabs ultimate punishment for a non-believer is death! These people already called for the death of Zionists (at an interview in Hague), I heard that Rav Padwa of London even ruled the title ‘Rodeph’ applicable on anyone that belongs to this group.

  15. This subjectis way way over the top. For heaven’s sake, if you want to know what happened, contact Yisroel Meir Hirsch himself, it was his wedding. They didn’t beat up the man, they took back the flag. Of course this all started under the hashpoa of Zionism which does everything with the HANDS to begin with. Talk about derech eretz. Hirsch has an email address, write to him directly!

  16. At first glance this video is disturbing, but it can be interpreted several ways because what is this elderly man doing at their wedding. At this point everyone knows about Neturei Karta and the fact that they are not mentally well (which is the only way to explain their twisted reality) Someday there will be a heshbon but why give them the time of day? Where is the news? Just a week ago an entire family was taken from us and to look at the pictures of the levayos for the entire family (!) was too much to bear. A part of me wanted not to see them and to continue having a “nice day” but we have no right to do that. There is enough to cry about and we should all be crying to Hashem to bring the geula shleima because we can’t take anymore. Neturei Karta cross the lines all the time and I would rather not see or hear of them.

  17. I don’t agree with the NK position and in fact can’t begin to understand it. From time to time I try to convince myself that they actually exist in some paralle universe and are not part of our reality.

    With that said, I find this OpEd piece in very poor taste. IF the video is not staged (it has the look of a staged video) the arguments presented by Mr. Sherman are simply not logical. Does Mr. Sherman believe his arguments are legitimate if the video showed a hafgana gone wild? Was the headline of a member of the charedi community arrested for some reason? This is whining, at best.

  18. After watching the video a few times, I would like to point out that the young men (with the exception of the one who grabbed his yarmulka) did not “attack” the old man, they simply grabbed their flag back. (Which is pretty understandable – if you were dancing with an Israeli flag and somebody grabbed it and walked away, what would you do, just let him have it?) After watching 0:51 – 0:55 several times, I am fairly confident that the Neturei Kartanics were not trying to rip the old man’s tzitzis, but were simply attempting to grab back their flag, which the old man had put underneath his tzitzis. Also, notice how all the Nuterei Kartanics leave the old man alone as soon as they get their flag back.

    #4 – Supporting murders is wrong and despicable, but it is certainly not kifirah.

    #14/17 – Well said, I couldn’t agree more.

  19. Dear kollel88
    Im not sure what your shaila is kanoim poigim boi! Pinchas hakohein killed zimri when there was no chiyuv misa on him because KANOIM POIGIM BOI and thats what this eltere yid was doing

  20. #8 & #12: I wonder if you are lying deliberately or are just uninformed. Yossel Kroizer does NOT belong to ANY branch of Neturei Karta, does NOT “support(s) neturei karta” and did NOT “fully support(ed) the neturei karta trip to iran”. You are either deliberately trying to mislead the readership here, or you are being misled by your own mind or some other crackpot.
    To all those who asked why he attended the wedding. Obviously, he is acquainted with one side or the other. Being from an old, long-time Yerushalmi family, that’s no surprise at all. No one has to assume that, at a chasuna, extreme, wild, NK statements will be made.

  21. I don’t understand why comments 8 and 12 are ignored. Why are people still posting their horrificism after being told that all the players are part of a group.

    Besides, a realistic look at the clip shows everyone having fun. No dangerous people. His cell phone splattered amidst the tumult and the people picked up the parts. He was the only one to raise a hand – when the flag was un-confiscated.

    This is my first time complaining about this site’s decisions, but I really cannot understand why they had to put up this (misinterpreted) thing. You never saw people in a close group having fun?

  22. this is just DOG BITES DOG. These guys are yeduadika behaimos -why the surprise??

    BTW – what is Yisrael Meir Hirsch’s email address????

  23. BS”D

    Both NK (KKK) and Avi Weiss operate out of a mistaken self-interpretation of ahavas Yisroel, which in both cases is done largely for attention’s sake.

  24. Totally off topic, but it was nice to see the American Yerushalmi, Reb Zev Shleifstein, a regular in the Mir, who ran across in the first few seconds.

  25. A point that very few seem to be bringing out –

    How sick is it that ‘chasidishe’ boys could hold a Palestinian flag? I don’t care how you read certain agadita gemaras, and I don’t care how much you follow an anti-Zionist shita, when you hold the flag that represents the murder of innocent acheinu beis yisroel, you have gone too far!

    Everyone seems to be focussed on hilchos gezeila vs lack of kavod for an elderly person – the bigger problem is that we have people amongst us, those that claim to be frum and following the ways of Hashem, who are growing in numbers and are becoming even more disgusting as they ally themselves with our biggest enemies.

    I applaud YWN for covering this story but I hope that more people begin to deligitamize these reshaim and consider them as ‘not frum’ and not part of our community.

  26. #8/29 – “To me it appears that they are all having a great time” & “a realistic look at the clip shows everyone having fun”
    I simply cannot understand how you can think that this was all done for “fun”. Looking at the video, can you honestly say that the people there look like their enjoying themselves? And besides, I cannot fathom what entertainment one (especially an elderly jew) would get out of play-fighting over a flag.

    #28 – “No one has to assume that, at a chasuna, extreme, wild, NK statements will be made.”
    Considering that this was the chasunah of one of their head honchos sons, I would have been surprised if “extreme… NK statements” were not made.
    As an aside, dancing with a palestinian flag if definitely extreme, but what makes it “wild”?

  27. The Torah haKedosha says it best:
    וְהָיִיתָ, מְשֻׁגָּע, מִמַּרְאֵה עֵינֶיךָ, אֲשֶׁר תִּרְאֶה.

  28. 27 – “I don’t think that its fair to say such a thing!”

    Before their actions, had any of these bochrim asked their Rebbe first, they would have been told to do differently.


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