Op-Ed By NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind: Obama’s Unmitigated Chutzpah

obanLet there be no doubt: The United States of America has always been a great friend to the people of the State of Israel. Sadly, the same might not be said of our President.

Since first taking office six years, President Obama has shown little solidarity with Israel, he’s made scant effort to disguise his personal dislike for Israel’s duly elected Prime Minister, and his administration has often been downright confrontational. In all, this is, by far, the rockiest relationship the Israeli people have been forced to endure with the United States since the inception of the modern State.

There’s no need to look back over six years—recent events say it all. If President Obama shed any tears for Shelly Dadon, a young Israeli woman stabbed to death in May by an Arab because she was Jewish, he did so privately. If our President had any concern for the three Israeli teenagers kidnapped and murdered because they were Jews, he kept those concerns well hidden for weeks. But when a lone Arab teenager was murdered by extremist Israelis (who were almost instantly arrested), that anomaly was regarded as immediately condemn-worthy by the President of the United States.

As countless acts of terror and hate are perpetrated against innocent Israeli citizens, President Obama remains silent. But today, as rockets fall on the cities of Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, on towns big and small, on disparate communities made up of everything from the secular to the most pious—from the most nationalistic to those who have nothing to do with the Israeli government and its policies—now as the rockets fall daily and hourly, our President adds scalding insult to injury.

I wish I could say I was shocked by Philip Gordon’s statement yesterday in Tel Aviv, but, sadly, it appears to be just another reveal in the on-going saga of President Obama’s personal attempt to change national policy towards our only long-term, stalwart, democratic friend in the Middle East. In a twisted foreign policy address, Gordon, a special assistant to President Obama and the White House coordinator for the Middle East, attacked Israel as the provocateur in the current and ongoing episodes of daily terror that are visited upon its citizens. It’s Israel’s fault, he said.

More, Gordon appealed to Israeli leaders to “compromise” and negotiate with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who has “proven to be a reliable partner.”

Reliable? Yes, Abbas reliably aligned himself with Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization that imposed a Taliban-like regime in Gaza that includes killing innocents, arbitrary confiscation of property, muzzling the media, and increased links to Iran and Al-Qaeda, to say nothing of its stated goal to utterly destroy the sovereign State of Israel.

In the days following the recent Hamas-sanctioned terror, the IDF targeted terrorists, not civilians, just as the United States has done and would do given a similar situation. And Hamas did what it always has always done: It targeted civilians. And its criminals hide behind human shields.

And now, as rockets rain on Israel from terrorists—many of whom were freed after incarceration for similar crimes as part of Israel’s peace negotiations with its “reliable partner”—now our President, through his surrogate Gordon, has chosen to be dangerously critical of Israel.

As there are ongoing conflicts throughout other regions of the Middle East—in Syria, in Iraq—our President is practically missing in action. Beyond the fig leaf of our own nation’s interest in foreign affairs, President Obama displays perhaps the greatest Laissez-fair attitude towards foreign policy since the debacle of Jimmy Carter’s tenure. This despite atrocities in Syria, despite the powder keg that is now Iran, despite the beheadings in Iraq by Isis. But Israel—the one nation state in the Middle East that has proven itself a consistent ally both in policy and relations with the U.S. since its U.S.-supported establishment in 1948—Israel, the lone Democracy in the Middle East, is the lone country that comes under President Obama’s harsh criticism.

The chutzpah is beyond comprehension.

Gordon’s speech has only fueled an already dangerous fire. His lecturing Israel on national security must be some kind of bad joke in the face of the regular and sanctioned terrorism that Israel endures, in the midst of a viral Middle Eastern power shift that sees more and more of the region falling under the iron rod of Islamic extremism.

A bad joke indeed. And the punch line?

“America will always have Israel’s back,” said Gordon/Obama.

Gosh, does that scare the daylights out of me.

Dov Hikind

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. It is scary and horrible to realize how Obama is behaving towards Israel and the Jewish people.
    He has made a shambles of both foreign and home policy.
    He is pro arab and no wonder, his middle name is Hussein.
    I urge all Americans to either email, call or write to him at the White House and urge him to be fair to eretz Yisroel.
    Thank you Dov Hikind.

  2. So is Mr. Hikind ready to change his registration? Given that during his tenure in office, the Democrats have made support for gay right and encouragement of abortion into core elements of the Democratic platform – and he hasn’t changed. Perhaps objecting to Obama’s foreign policy, will tip the balance.

  3. Obama is not only anti Israel hes anti anything good and just. he stands for anything which is the opposite of justice like our US marine jailed in Mexico for no reason and not one word from obama hes a sick sick man

  4. I classify Obama as a terrorist who seems to evade getting caught in the act. As President, his power enables him to fulfill the missions of Islamic terror by sitting back and doing nothing. That role is fulfilled to its greatest extent. While not a history expert, I did engage in some study of our presidents. Never in all our history has anyone deserved to be impeached and removed from office more than BHO. He has been a complete disgrace to the Jewish community, and really to entire free world. Never has a president lied so consistently or supported terror. My preference would be to see him prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned for life.

  5. eric55: He’s not sick. He’s a Democrat. His views are quite consistent with the views of his party. What is questionable is why so many frum Jews continue to support him by continuing to be Democrats.

  6. Dov, you’re %100 right.

    To akuperma:

    Reb Asher Aaron, to his credit Dov has publically defended Traditional marriage & Pro life in the State Assembly. He wasn’t afraid to go against that walking talking Oesvurf Chillul Hashem, Shelly Silver! He didn’t even take marching orders from that OTD Ezra Friedlander who masquerades as a Frum Jew!
    As far as Dov being a Democrat, you know how politics work in Brooklyn. Just ask Felder, Greenfeld, Deutch, etc…

  7. It’s gonna be a close call but I think at the end he will beat Jimmy Carter as the worst president in modern times.

  8. Reply to Dov Hikind, Frum-n-Fair and Eric55:
    Everyday in davening we say in Hallelukahs (Tehillim 146):
    אל תבטחו בנדיבים, בבן אדם שאין לו תשועה – “Do not rely on on nobles, nor on a human being.” On the words בבן אדם, the Radak says, “Even when rulers help Israel, it is because G-d has influenced them to do so. So it will be when the nations seem to have a hand in the Messianic redemption. When are you going to realize that WE ARE A NATION THAT DWELLS IN SOLITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Bamidbar 23:9)

    P.S. Frum-n-Fair understand that nothing in life is fair!

  9. I wish Hikind would be as active in the Assembly as he is with the media on international issues. Has he written any legislation?

  10. Re comments 1 – 10: Why does anyone care about the opinion of a New York State Assemblyman on a matter of US foreign affairs? There are substantial issues affecting New Yorkers – city and state – over which Mr. Hikind, as a state legislator and party leader, does have some authority, but Mr. Hikind knows that his constituents are more interested in his utterly irrelevant comments about US foreign policy than in what needs to be done in his Assembly district or elsewhere in New York. Only nudniks pay attention to Mr. Hikind’s foreign policy opinions, but that seems to be his electoral base.

  11. “our US marine jailed in Mexico for no reason”

    Wrong. He got caught trying to take guns into Mexico. Had a Mexican tried to take guns into the US he would get the same treatment.

    And because Texas insists on executing Mexicans convicted of murder without allowing them contact with the Mexican consulate, Mexico no longer lets Americans have contact with the American consulate.

  12. “If our President had any concern for the three Israeli teenagers kidnapped and murdered because they were Jews, he kept those concerns well hidden for weeks.”

    This is a lie. The kidnapping took place on the night of 6/12-6/13. President Obama released a statement early morning on 6/17. Prior to that, his State Department had made statements on 6/13, 6/15, and 6/15. that isn’t “weeks”.

    I expect better from Assemblyman Hikind.

  13. @charliehall – Are you referring to the White House Twitter statement offering prayers? You know, the Twitter account that WH press secretary said just this week Obama sometimes doesn’t even read let alone actually tweet from? Not to mention the fact that the statement THE DAY OF the murder of the Palestinian boy from Obama was one of condemnation (which I agree with) while the first statement of condemnation from Obama about anything having to do with the boys came only WEEKS later on June 30.

  14. Dov is right on target. I couldn’t have said it amy better. Criticizing him for being in the Democratic party because of their stand on other issues is to obfuscate the issues. And not every democrat is anti Israel . There are some that are friendly to israel. This is about the president who is an outright anti semite on a personal level and has nothing to do with party affiliation. Stop confusing the issues, just because the neturei karta see him as their friend.

  15. Re: Charliehall – And just where did Obama “release his statement”? In the toilet, perhaps, where all of his other statements are released?

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