Op-Ed: The CHUTZPAH Of The Times Of Israel To Use This Photo In Investigation Of Police Dispatcher In Kidnapping


Dear YWN,

As an avid student of Jewish history, I am well aware that the Jew has always taken the eternal role of scapegoat.

When economies crumble, governments are toppled, or accidents happen, the “Jew” is the first to blame. The one casting the finger and shifting the blame has always had a convenient group to blame.

And now the  Times of Israel  joins the ranks of pointing the finger. I was quite appalled to see an article titled: “Panel to Probe Dismissed Call from Kidnapped Teen” feature a large image with a Charedi police dispatcher.

As if to say “It’s the Charedi’s fault”  It is article likes these that stir  the fire of the general public against the Charedi Tzibur. As if the Jewish people don’t have enough enemies in our global community, the Times of Israel needs to create more strife.   This is a very hard time for world Jewry and we should be focused on working together and avoid pointing fingers. There are enough  people in the world who use outlets to attack us, we don’t need “one of our own” to join their ranks.


Furthermore, a charedi is actually a police dispatcher, and instead of encouraging others to join the workforce by becoming police dispatchers, they get trashed in big large images like this, making them look as if they are responsible for this horrific story. Make up your minds, haters. First you slam “Haredim” for never going to work and being leeches (a total farce, when most Charedim work), and then when they DO go to work, this is their payment.

The Times Of Israel should apologize to the world for this despicable disgraceful Chutzpah.

Stephanie Fein – Woodmere

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


14 Responses

  1. The Times takes no chances being well aware that only Chareidim will take such abuse, so reporting the panel news and telling the truth who was the dispatcher is life threatening so just say it was a chareidi

  2. No worries…Its clear that the dispatcher was not a frum yid. after all the police defended him.

    Kol Miharsayich Umacharivayich Memach Yeitzeiu

  3. The Times of Israel is a sleazy blog and news aggregator without journalistic standards or investigative rigour, despite its bombastic name, however …

    In this particular case they do clearly caption the the photo as an “illustrative photo” and so this outrage is misdirected.

  4. The Times of Israel has always been known as an anti-Semitic rag. Their hatred of Hareidim has been almost open as long as they’ve been around.

  5. Note the article said “illustrative photo” – meaning they aren’t even claiming the police dispatcher was hareidi. The fact they chose a hareidi to illustrate the article is typical of bias towards minorities.
    One needs to remember that to most zionists, the hareidim, not the Arabs, are the leading threat to Israel.

  6. Have they ever stopped to think that their sinat chinam may have actually caused the kidnapping? This is a time to be b’achdut. By the way, chareidim all over the world have been davening for the boys’ return and the safety of the soldiers looking for them. Can the same be said about them?

  7. I know that what was done was wrong, but we must remember not to lose ourselves and stoop to such a level by posting spiteful comments. In that zechus, the boys should return home.

  8. Gain Chizuk: The ness of the Geuloh (and in The World to Come)will be that the nation so disgraced, persecuted and ridiculed- they ARE the Am Seguloh. The more one is ridiculed- will be more the nes; this is very applicable to the charedim- the most scoffed at, persecuted sector in the World!

  9. did it ever occur to anyone that bashing a Jewish newspaper for bashing a Jew ….. is still bashing a Jew? you are guilty of the same thing with every negative comment you write, so you dont have much of an argument. our enemies seem to know that any Jew will do, only we care about gradations of “Jew,” how about we just go with “we are all stressed out that our children are missing. let’s all just give each other a break and focus on finding the kids right now?” give the paper a break, give the dispatcher a break, give the authors of the negative comments a break – lets just be nice to each other, we need to be one klal. we need rachamei shamayim now. everyone settle down.

  10. Quit making mountains out of molehills. It’s called an illustrative photo. If it would have been a secular photo, then should the seculars get upset? Stop acting like 5 year olds.

  11. I wanted to say that this article upset me very much. The point of the Times of Israel article was to articulate what happened and the events that occurred between the boys and the police. I don’t think the staff of Times of Israel meant anything against anyone chareidi or any such thing and they wanted to say what many people in Israel are currently thinking- how possibly the state of events could be different if the police had acted differently. No one is blaming or pointing fingers and it has nothing to do with the type of people who are in the police force or in the pictures, as the article pointed out that the pictures were random and had nothing to do with the actual people who were there that night.

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