Op-Ed: Kudos To The Jewish Press For Their Apology

ywneKudos to the Jewish Press on doing something remarkable. Rashi (Vayikrah 4:22) tells us, “Asher Nasi yecheta – when a prince sins – This is from the root of Ashrei – fortunate. Fortunate is the generation when its leaders admit to error.” Admitting to an error and taking decisive action when the error is pointed out is something that the Torah values highly. If you read the Rashi carefully, however, we find something fascinating. It is not just that the Nasi – the leader is on a high spiritual level – it is the generation. In other words, the fate of the people are with the leaders. If the leaders, and in our case, the media, do the right thing – especially when it is difficult – we all gain.

Let’s remember that Dovid HaMelech, after sinning with Batsheva, was corrected by the Navi Nosson. What was his reaction? He admitted error immediately. After this he merited to go and author the Sefer Tehillim. The realization that no one is perfect except Hashem, and that we all err and make mistakes is a remarkable realization that shows true humility. It seems that this realization allowed Dovid HaMelech to reach the ability to author Sefer Tehillim itself.

This reader stands in awe of what the Jewish Press has done today in issuing their apology. And it is my hope and prayer that Rabbi Dov Lipman and his fellow members of the Yesh Atid party learn from the wise leadership of the Jewish Press and apologize as well.

The respect that the Jewish Press has shown to the Gedolei Torah of all three segments of the Torah world is indeed laudable. We should send them a tremendous Yasher Koach.

Yehudah Neilman

16 Responses

  1. That’s really great! The Jewish Press op-ed was despicable, and they did the right thing by taking it down and firing the guy who was responsible.

    Now it’s time for you to do the right thing and take down your earlier article attacking them.

  2. How about an apology from YWN for the original picture next to the headline of the apology? It completely MOCKED the apology. A little while later it was changed….

  3. “The respect that the Jewish Press has shown to the Gedolei Torah of all three segments of the Torah world is indeed laudable”

    Huh? What are you talking about?! They are busy with Avi Weiss (someone showed me 2 weeks ago’s issue). If you’re in favor of the Maharat’s, then you’re against Torah MiSinia!
    Remember: “Any publicity is good publicity” and “there is no such thing as bad publicity except for your own obituary”!
    Bottom line: Most normal eople today, don’t even know the Jewish Press exists. This was a great ploy. I’m sure they got a lot of hits on their website for a day. They shouldn’t be trusted!

  4. The JP, like many businesses, knows that being PC is good business. I don’t see the apology as so meaningful, but then again, I thought the original headline was merely amusing.

  5. The apology is very nice, albeit possibly for sales purposes only… but let’s look deeper here nothing is said by mistake, their deep hate for Black hatters is something they ought to change.

  6. Reply to #4 – Well Said!!! You will always find those kind of individuals rushing to attack people before knowing the facts. The right thing for this attacker would be first to make a phone call to The Jewish Press and get the details before rushing to attacking them. The Jewish Press reacted right away on the best way by removing it imeaedidly. And btw that wasn’t an apology it was doing the right thing in the beginning.

  7. I hold no brief for the Jewish Press but what is all this “narishkeit”‘ about them hating black hatters and the like? They are black-hatters themselves!
    As far as the apocryphal story about R”Yaakov Kaminetsky zz’l (or the gerrer rebbe in another version) I can attest that it is fiction-total fiction. The founder of the Jewish Press, Rav Uri Lipshutz z’l was very close to R’ Yaakbov and consulted him on everything. It is inconceivable that R”yaakov ever said this.

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