Op-Ed: Analyzing The DeBlasio Charge Against Lhota For Visiting A Boro Park Shul

yweAfter my response to Ezra Friedlander’s Op-Ed endorsement of deBlasio, I have to come forward again and defend logic and sanity. This week during a campaign stop in Boro Park, Joe Lhota was asked to enter and visit an Orthodox Synagogue.  Prior to entering, an official from the synagogue asked the women present with the group to remain outside.  Here is where it gets interesting. The deBlasio campaign then attacked Lhota saying that he found it “perplexing” that Lhota would go in when women were not allowed. A simple analysis of the incident concludes that deBlasio shows complete disrespect for our culture by using our halachically (Jewish law) mandated separation of genders in synagogue as an attack against Lhota. Apparently he found it “perplexing” why Lhota would go to a place that separates genders. It seems to me that by those standards deBlasio should not step foot in another shul or yeshiva (or Mosque or Sikh Temple or the Vatican City or Hindu Temple) again that separates genders, otherwise that would make him a hypocrite, would it not? We already know his position on Metziza B’Peh, as well as marriage issues. I wonder what else he will find perplexing.

Here comes another plot twist – mere hours before, Councilman David Greenfield endorsed deBlasio for mayor saying ““Bill de Blasio will be a strong leader and a champion for critical issues of concern to our community”.  Aside from all the reasons I covered in my previous op-ed of all the reasons that deBlasio would be a terrible mayor for our community, we now have the additional problem of David Greenfield selling us this false bill of goods.  I am normally pretty supportive of Councilman Greenfield’s work (he is actually quite conservative on some issues) however I am quite displeased with his endorsement of the very leftist deBlasio. We clearly see deBlasio is in complete opposition to many of our major core beliefs. Lhota understood that people can practice religion as they see fit, deBlasio finds it “perplexing”.  Perhaps the answer is simply money? Access to the probable next mayor? Only the Councilman could answer that question.

I want to reiterate my call to all Orthodox Jews to reassess their core values and to do their own research. I feel it needs to be said, but Orthodox Judaism is in line with conservative values and not those held by the Democratic Party. It is time for ordinary people to stop being passive about politics. Nine times out of ten, your interests are not high on the list of priorities of those giving endorsements. I know that David Greenfield doesn’t care that my property taxes will go up, like they did in 2003. I know he doesn’t care that my employer is seriously considering leaving this city because of proposed increased taxes on businesses. I am sure he doesn’t care deBlasio has absolutely no experience running anything, let alone the largest city in America. But Greenfield wants you to hand him your vote. Common sense dictates otherwise.

Watching the debates, I became sickened as deBlasio attacked Lhota for being conservative and republican as if they were dirty words. I am frankly sick of it. I am a conservative and I will not have my core beliefs be references as an insult. I have a question for deBlasio. After saying that Lhota owned all the national Republican issues because he is a party member, will deBlasio take ownership of the following actions of the Democrats?

  1. Creation of the KKK
  2. Opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  3. Capping the number of Jews attempting to flee the Holocaust
  4. The Fast and Furious Scandal
  5. The Benghazzi Scandal
  6. The complete destabilization the middle east by horrible foreign policy
  7. Arming Al-Qaeda in Syria

So, as long as we are taking ownership of issues, can we get some answers on those?

With that, I am proud to say that I am a Jew and a conservative and will use all of my abilities to promote those core values.

Thanks for reading,

Mr. Think for Myself

PS. You may be wondering why I don’t publish my real name. The answer is because I am not looking for attention, nor have any ambition of being an “askan”. Also, apparently in this city being a conservative is a bad word. Right Mr. DeBlasio?

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Look, DiBlasio is a jerk for not respecting that Orthodox Jews do things a certain way and do so sincerely, and he is further a jerk for attacking Lhota on those grounds. But the rest of this article is just regurgitated right wing garbage. Particularly humorous is the list of items that the author wants DiBlasio to take ownership of as a democrat- the latter handful reveal someone to be a brainwashed talk radio fan, and the former show historical ignorance.

  2. Well said Reb Think for Myself. Those should be the thoughts of all frum people in this city that aren’t polluted by city politics.

  3. Yidden! don’t fall into the liberal trap. He’ll be quick to embrace Muslims and women rights, criticize religion (aside from islam of course…) and so on, while raising your taxes…

  4. No. 5: So what if Mr. deBlasio embraces Muslims. How is that bad for Jews, frum or otherwise? Would a Mayor diBlasio negotiate on behalf of Palestinians in the current round of peace talks between Israel and representatives of the Palestinians? No, no mayor gets a seat at that table. Would he enforce alternate-side parking regulations on Shemini Atzeres? I think the City Council has that covered. Would he force men and women to sit together in frum shuls? No mayor has that power. So what, exactly, are you worried about? The only thing I can think of that might worry you is that Hashem has been generous with you, and you don’t want to give up what Hashem gave you in higher taxes. Well, if Hashem gave it to you, and a Mayor de Blasio takes it away, then Mr. deBlasio might be facing a more powerful voter than you (or me).

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