Op-Ed: Why Our Community Should Support Bill de Blasio

20130930-202915.jpgThe New York City primary elections are over. The Mayoral candidate on the democratic ticket at the general election on November 5th will be Bill de Blasio. As many of you know, I was a proud supporter of Christine Quinn during the recent primary race. I felt that Chris Quinn is an exemplary City Council Speaker and is a faithful friend of our community.

But the people have spoken and de Blasio is the nominee. I know Bill personally from back in the days when he was a candidate for the City Council. He ultimately became a Council member and served with distinction. His constituency included parts of Boro Park, one of the most vibrant Jewish communities in the world. Bill quickly became a close of friend of this community, and learned about our culture, our traditions, and our distinct needs as an electorate. He is one of those rare candidates who is so familiar with our way of life, he does not necessarily require a Jewish community liaison or advisor, (although he does have several well qualified and prominent staffers who do advise him on Jewish affairs.) It’s not just that he knows the lingo, he also understands the ‘kishkes’ of our community and he will govern accordingly.

It would be nice to have a Mayor in City Hall who won’t need a navigation system to find his way around the streets of Boro Park. Bill once actually offered me a ride home after an event in the city, and drove me to my Boro Park house in his personal car without using his GPS.

But there’s more to his relationship with our community than just street smarts. For years we’ve dreamed of a Mayoral candidate who shared our frustrations on city government’s refusal to respond to the needs of Yeshiva parents. A candidate who understands that small business owners should not be ticketed to oblivion. A candidate who recognizes that our community may sometimes require City Hall to comport with our religious needs. A candidate who is sensitive to our traditions. And, finally, a candidate who counts members of our community as his close personal friends.

It would be foolhardy to think that a Mayor de Blasio, or any Mayor, would ensure that our community gets everything we want from city government. But it will still be reassuring to know that someone at City Hall understands what we’re all about.


Recently there have been media reports about Bill de Blasio’s involvement in Nicaragua and his relationship with the Sandinistas, all of which has generated tremendous interest. I would like to point out that these events transpired close to thirty years ago, and are totally irrelevant to the Mayoral race of 2013. Since we are talking about that era, I would quote the late President Ronald Reagan in saying, “There we go again.“ Once again the media is focusing on issues that are extraneous and immaterial to the job of a New York City Mayor.

What does foreign policy of a bygone era have to do with municipal elections? In my opinion, they are totally unrelated. Bill de Blasio is not running as a candidate for United States Senate or for President. Just as they say that “There is no Democratic or Republican way to pick up garbage,” I would add that “There is no foreign policy plan that will affect the day to day running of a large city government.” The two are mutually exclusive.

People think it’s important to elect candidates who reflect our own personal values and points of view on every issue. This is a mistake. We should focus exclusively on the issues that are significant to the particular race that is being considered. It’s meaningless and unproductive to assess the political history of an individual of over a quarter century ago, especially considering the fact that people mature and evolve over the years. In this case, the important thing is to evaluate the individual on how he would function while in elected office.

I feel strongly that Bill de Blasio is a passionate supporter of the State of Israel. To the best of my knowledge, he was the first to expose the Saudi Arabian airline’s refusal to allow Israelis to travel to that country. In terms of his ability to work with our community, we have seen that he has been able to successfully resolve potentially contentious issues. As City Council member, he went to bat for many of our organizations. He appreciates the vast infrastructure our community has built in this city, and will help ensure that we maintain this growth. The fact that he will not need to be briefed upon entering office is immeasurably valuable and beneficial to us.

I consider Bill de Blasio to be the ‘heimishe’ candidate for Mayor. It would be in our best interest to express our vote of confidence to him on Election Day, November 5th.

Ezra Friedlander is the CEO of the Friedlander Group, a public policy and government relations firm based in New York City and Washington DC.

(Op-Ed by Ezra Friedlander)

22 Responses

  1. Why is it not disclosed that Ezra Friedlander is a paid by and works for DeBlasio. This is nothing more than campaign propaganda being pushed as an “op-ed”. It mentions at the end about Ezra Friedlander and his organization without disclosing that he is working for and paid by DeBlasio. This is only not ethical and dishonest but also a violation of Halachah

  2. Kol hakovod to reb Friedlander for so clearly making the case for de Blasio as the next mayor of New York. As so many of the chashuve rabbonim who have endorsed him have stated, its not important what his views may be on narrow issues like toevah marriage, MBP or vouchers. Its his overall platform on jobs, health care, housing and reducing income inequality that make him the best person to be mayor for all New Yorkers, not just yidden.

  3. You supported the disgusting Christine Quinn. Enough said, you can’t use the word ‘heimish’ and are disqualified from having an opinion on any Jewish subject.

  4. What a loser trying his utmost to try and save face.

    de Blasio is the sure winner. He is a shoe-in for mayor in the November election. No one else has a half a shot against him. This democrat will win by a landslide.

    NOW E.F. comes to support him after its a sure thing??! He has a history of supporting immoral losers who keep on losing. Like Quinn.

  5. Why does this Ezra Friedlander feel that he is somewhat of a “spokesman” for us? Does he really think he knows more than an average guy? I’m not impressed.

  6. Although I am sure Ezra Friedlander has substantive support for his recommendation of Bill de Blasio, for the benefit of our community, I believe it is important to share another side that would warrant caution to casting a vote in de Blasio’s direction.
    I am personally aware of several recent actions that de Blasio has taken during his campaign. He is a real politician with all of its negative connotations who takes on issues that are not for the public’s benefit and without doing a real analysis of their legitimacy solely for the purpose of getting endorsements or other quid pro quo arrangements. He lacks depth, moral character and integrity.
    Furthermore, the role of a public advocate is to make people’s voices heard on whatever issues they feel are important. A true leader, however, needs to analyze issues that are presented to them and determine those that have basis and should be pursued versus those that do not warrant further action. You would surely expect that the next mayor of one of the biggest cities in the world would have such expertise and background, in addition to prior experience running large agency operations and overseeing financial enterprises.
    I don’t know much about Joe Lhota, but he most certainly has the requisite experience and is a man of integrity.
    He definitely will be getting my vote!

  7. Ms.Quinn (openly Lesbian) is opposed to almost every moral value of “our community” . How could Mr. Friedlander support such a politician?
    Mr. DeBlasio is a left-winger who supports Obamacare and the invasion of our personal lives by the federal goverment – IRS, NSA, TSA….
    Mr. Friedlandler seems to want us to support Quinn and DeBlasio politically for $$$.
    No, Mr. Friedlander, after Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we are even stronger in our adherence to the integrity in Hashem’s Torah.
    And, DeBlasio is no more ‘heimiesh’ – l’havdil – than Anthony Weiner. (Spelling corrected.)

  8. If foreign policy is irrelevant to municipal elections then so is the candidate’s feelings towards Israel. But yet, this is the only point made in support of de Blasio ( aside from his qualifications as a car service driver). Instead of trying to play two sides of the same coin, how about telling me exactly how de Blasio will make things better for me? I didn’t see even ONE specific plan or idea mentioned in this op-Ed. Be more specific if you want to influence the vote.

  9. What a terribly misguided and foolish piece. Friedlander writes a whole long piece beating around the bush. You want to hear why the Chareidi communities in NY was de Blassio? So they can continue receiving their free government money, paid for by Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. To suggest that Jews should be voting for de Blassio because of the free stuff is so incredibly dangerous. De Blassio makes NY less safe, and creates an environment ANATHEMA to business and growth. His philosophy of complete redistribution of wealth is antithetical to the capitalist, free market solutions that grow business and increase wealth. But if the frum community wants to continue its path of “give me, give me, give me,” I suppose de Blassio is indeed their guy.

  10. This reminds me of Ezra Friedlander’s Op Ed to support Speaker Quinn who ended up getting less then 4% in Borough Park. Bill De Blasio probably won’t perform much better then Quinn in the general election

  11. Ezra,

    Can I suggest you get another job? You are waisting your time trying to tell us who to vote for! Did you not learn your lesson from the Weprin campaign or Quinn campaign etc. Boro Park Jews vote for who they (and the Torah) believe they should vote for! We won’t vote for the shmutz Mr Friedlander tries to sell us! I and my friends (and many more) will support JOE LHOTA! A Republican who still has some moral values!

  12. Friedlander’s endorsement is the kiss of death for any candidate seeking the Orthodox Jewish vote. Many people see who Friedlander is supporting so they can vote against him/her. Friedlander is a net loser of votes as demonstrated time and again in ultra-orthodox voting districts in Brooklyn.

  13. #4 Gadol Hador, As you may know but dont write, we as Jews are supposed to follow the Torah with every breath of life. Just because we may lose an election, because we have morales and vote for the candidates and the non-frum non -Jewish population vote for the one that doesnt, does not make it right for us to vote, because it”ll be great for ALL new Yorkers. We as Jews have been given the Torah. The Torah clearly tells us how to live our lives, Do you really think th eTorah intended us to live one way and vote another?

  14. kveens yid, Since when does Ezra work for de Blasio? I only see Pinny Ringel & and Avi Fink with de Blasio at events, not Ezra. The picture shown in this article is at the Shema Kolianu breakfast that Ezra makes every year and all politicians attend.

  15. For starters, would the YWN editors please confirm the identity of the author of this piece. The blurb in italics following the article implies, but does not affirmatively state, that Ezra Friedlander is the author, but that is not conclusive.

    Secondly, I would appreciate the YWN editors’ responding to the allegations of some of the commenters that the author of this piece is a paid consultant or employee of the deBlasio campaign. If this is a puff piece from the deBlasio campaign, I would appreciate knowing it. And if it is not from the deBlasio campaign, I would appreciate knowing that, too.

    Moderators Response: For starters, would “nfgo3” please confirm the identity of the author of this comment?

  16. The comments don’t reflect the truth. Friedlander is making valid points why to support deblasio. there is a growing tendency from certain individuals who have an agenda to cloud the truth and cream TORAH when there is no basis to do so and bully everyone into submission.

    Ezra Freedlander is a professional who has represented his clients who provide a very real service to the community with professionalism and distinction–yes politics does require someone to be creative and ezra certainly has but we need to embrace it and not condemn it.

  17. To the Moderator who responded to Comment No. 18: I do not recall whether I had to identify myself when I registered the screen name “nfgo3”. I can assure you that the person who wrote Comment 18 is the same person who writes all the comments I have seen under the screen name “nfgo3”.

    I noticed that the YWN editors have affirmatively stated who wrote this article, but the author’s name appears at the end, after the blurb describing him. I was looking for it at the beginning of the article and failed to see it at the end.

    Now, for finishers, would the YWN editors please answer my question about whether or not the author is a paid employee or consultant with the deBlasio campaign – not that there is anything wrong with that.

    Moderators Response: The article was written by Mr. Friedlander. Your second point: We don’t work for Mr. Friedlander. We do not know who he works for, and never did an audit on his business. You can call him and ask him yourself. He is listed in the phone book.

  18. But now, to the substance of this article, which I called (reasonably, in my opinion) a puff piece.

    There is no substance in this article, only the author’s assurance that Mr. deBlasio knows Boro Park geography as well as that lady in my GPS, is heimish (for a gentile, not that there is anything wrong with that), and knows what Orthodox Jews want from city government. The article does not say what Orthodox Jews want from city government, or what Mr. deBlasio would do if elected, other than be a heimish guy.

    This lack of substance is not at all unique to Mr. Friedlander’s article. The whole mayoral campaign has been short on substance. Mr. Friedlander speaks of the irrelevancy of foreign policy issues to a mayoral campaign, particularly Mr. deBlasio’s foreign policy when he was a college-age guy. And then, Mr. Friedlander assures us that his candidate is a strong supporter of Israel.

    The toughest issue for middle-class Orthodox families in New York City is the cost of yeshiva education. It takes a huge bite out of a middle-class income, but the US and state constitutions preclude most forms of aid to religious schools. If and when the Orthodox community decides to avail itself of the secular education available at taxpayer expense, and reduce the Jewish schools to a religious curriculum only, the mayor – whoever he/she is – will have some important decisions to make that will affect the Orthodox community. But as long as the frum community chooses to educate children only outside public schools, the city government can offer only minimal help.

  19. Great Job Ezra! Kudus to you for writing such a great OP-ED a real asken and ball chased! A VOTE FOR JOE LHOTA IS 4 MORE YEARS BLOOMBERG!

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