Op-Ed: Are You Prepared For War With Iran? They Won’t Be The Only Ones Surprised By An IAF Strike

Whether you support a military strike on Iran or are against it, or you simply don’t care much about it, you better be prepared for it.

Over the past few weeks there has been much speculation and debate regarding Iran and it’s quest for a nuclear bomb. It originated in Israel with front page articles in the major newspapers and spread world wide when the IAEA, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency,  released an intelligence report that Iran’s nuclear aspirations go far beyond civilian purposes.

If Israel does indeed attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran and it’s proxies would be expected to retaliate. That means in a worst case scenario, Hamas in the south could launch hundreds of rockets and Hezbollah could terrorize the north with it’s deadly arsenal of missiles, and that’s before we even mention Iran!

The Iranians have the means to make the scud missile attack by Iraq look like child’s play,  chas visholom. It has been reported, that Iran has a vast arsenal of weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, that are within striking distance to every city in Israel. That means that even if you live in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, cities that have been relatively safe from the rocket attacks, you will now find yourself on the front lines of a dangerous war.

Now, if you were expecting one of the cars with speakers to roll down your block announcing the military strike will start at 9pm tonight, you’re in for a surprise. It’s not going to happen! You will be just as surprised as the Iranians will be.

And that means that the time to prepare for such an attack, is now. Does you’re family know where the closest bomb shelter is? Do you have an emergency supply of food and water saved up? Do you have a radio to stay updated and informed inside the bomb shelter?

 Of course we all hope and daven that the above scenario won’t happen, but a little preparation now could have an enormous effect later if it does, so what’s the excuse not to be prepared?

Yechezkel Gordon lives in Jerusalem, Israel and is an independent political analyst and columnist. He can be contacted at [email protected]

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


12 Responses

  1. #1 — Actually, the “authorities” have been making preparation. All summer long the Israeli government has been running distribution points for people to get new gas masks throughout the country. The Israeli government has a website with comprehensive information of how everyone should prepare themselves with an English version(if the mods allow this, the site is oref.org.il). Knowing how to use your security room and having basic communication and supplies is not a new idea here in Israel. Do you think the government will issue an announcement to get ready before attacking?!

  2. wow – this really does sound scary! i hope that what baron said is true – that “this is pure hysteria”. but when you look at all that’s been going on, who knows? Daven, Daven, Daven!!!

  3. Both Iran and Israel have launched satellites. As Americans realized after the first “sputnik”, if you can put something in orbit you can bring it down anywhere (that includes Flatbush, should you want).

    Whether the Iranians (or the Israelis for that matter) are competent to set up a nuclear device over hostile territory is questionable. It’s hasn’t been done for over 60 years, and the both times it happened before the pilot didn’t have to deal with groundfire – no one has ever set off nuclear device attached to a rocket under combat conditions, ever.

    Even the attempt to do so would be grounds for massive retaliation from the other side and its (by then, self-righteous allies), which suggests that Israel is more likely to let the Mossad deal with the matter than to start a war, and which suggests Iran wants a deterent rather than to gets its country levelled. Frankly, having next year’s World Series being between the Orioles and the Mets (note I didn’t say Nats).

  4. #6, If you were on the Titanic, you would probably have joined the idiots who were playing violin while the ship was sinking.

  5. Gas masks and sealed rooms are worthless against nuclear weapons. The best protection involves evacuating civilians from cities, underground blast shelters, complex air filtering and iodine tablets. That the Israelis (not the Iranians) aren’t preparing for a nuclear attack is, in fact, reassuring.

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