Op-Ed: Gilad Adayin Chai: Bringing Gilad Into Our Lives

As I put pen to paper and contemplate a topic that’s on everyone’s mind, I’m left writing about the Gilad Shalit exchange deal.  As a huge fan of Israel, I needed to find a subject that is connected with the Holy Land!

On Tuesday, the 20th day of Tishrei, the fourth day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, Gilad Shalit was released from Hammas captivity after 1,941 days of imprisonment.  As we celebrated our Zman Simchaseinu (time of happiness), Gilad celebrated his own personal Zman Chairusainu (time of freedom).  The world watched as he went through a gruesome interview before he was freed.  An Egyptian interviewer asked him questions that required him to stretch the truth quite far to obtain his freedom.  After he gave them the answers they wanted, he was officially in Israeli hands.  It was an exciting day for Jews all over the world, especially in his hometown of Mitzpe Hila, where they celebrated his homecoming waving Israeli flags and decorative posters.  Many of us cried in happiness (ok, maybe just the women!) when we saw or heard the news; it was a dream come true.  Some shuls have been reciting his name for years in a special mishabairach for kidnapped and missing Israeli soldiers.  Noam and Aviva Shalit’s request for the past five and a half years to bring their son home has been answered.  Their insistence that “Gilad Adain Chai” has proven to be true, Baruch Hashem!

However, the day was also bittersweet.  Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Israeli citizens paid for his return with the release of 1,027 terrorists, many of whom have blood on their hands.  The deal called for about half of them to be released now and another half in two months time.  For the family members of terrorist victims, this day opened up bitter wounds.  Some families were promised that these terrorists would never be freed.  They feel betrayed and are reliving the nightmare.

Many people seem to have opinions on this heated topic.  While some consider it pidyon shuvuyim (redeeming a captive), others can not fathom how returning one Israeli soldier for over 1,000 terrorists is going to stop the Palestinians from kidnapping others, a reason why pidyon shuvuyim would not apply in this case.  Shlomo Hamelech wrote in Sefer Koheles that there is a time for everything to occur. For some it was a time to cry out of happiness, for others it was a time to cry out of sadness.  Some people can not understand how the Prime Minister and a majority of the cabinet members agreed to the deal.  There must be more that we don’t know about.  However, many people also don’t know what to make of it all or prefer not to have an opinion at all.  We can’t play G-d, and therefore we don’t know with 100% certainty how this deal will play out.  We can only pray that this deal will result in good news and that Hashem will ease the chevlie Moshiach.  After all, Hashem controls what our leaders do, as they are just puppets in His Hands.

After reading many articles about the exchange deal, I’m left feeling happy for the Shalit family.  They’ve waited years to be reunited with Gilad after that tragic day in June when he was abducted.  They’ve campaigned for years for his freedom, including setting up a protest tent outside Netanyahu’s home for the past 16 months and traveling to far out places, including America.  And then, they merited seeing him free.  This event illustrates “yeshuas Hashem k’heref ayin.” Hashem’s salvation comes in a blink of an eye. When the time was right for Gilad to be released, the process went fast.  Gilad stated in the interview that he thought he would be in captivity for a much longer time.  However, Hashem had other plans. There is a concept of “golgol chozer bolam”.  The wheel of fortune is constantly changing.  As we are told in Sefer Eiuv, there is an end to suffering, an end to troubled times, and an end to despair.

All we need to do is believe.  Believe in Hashem.

Rabbi Lau, the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, stated that the emunah of the Shalits is a good example for all of us to follow.  Noam and Aviva Shalit never gave up hope that their son was alive and would come home.  Despite the fact that beasts kidnapped him and were torturing him, they believed that one day he would be released from Gaza alive and in one piece.  It happened!  Gilad also believed that he would see the day of light again.  This incident occurred during Sukkos, a time when we follow Hashem into the unknown, the sukkah, and place our emunah in Him.

In connection to waiting for Moshiach to arrive, we are told that in the zechus of just yearning for him (and obviously first believing in his arrival), he will come. That’s incredible!  If we would all just realize how much we are missing without a Bais Hamikdash and being able to serve Hashem to the ultimate degree, we would merit having it!

The phrase on so many tee-shirts and posters, “Gilad Adain Chai,” should motivate us to believe that we too will experience our own yeshuos.  As we enter the dark and cold days of the fall and winter months, let us stay inspired and pray our hearts out for bracha and hatzlacha, on a personal and communal level.

Tehillah Diamond – YWN

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


One Response

  1. Can we imagine what Shalit feels like, having endured this nightmare for 5 years, to return to a population all doubting that his rescue was the right thing to do??? It’s done, let him recover, stop 2nd guessing and causing him more pain to think the klal would rather see him still in Hamas’ hands.

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