Op-Ed: Where Is The Outrage?

The anger being expressed against the Government of Turkey by Israelis on board Turkish Airlines flight 793 on Monday (Sept. 5th) is indeed understandable, a natural reaction to the deplorable behavior of security officials in the airport in Istanbul, but what is even more outrageous, and unforgivable, in the deafening silence of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister’s Office. Where is the outrage, the messages of condemnation, the Jewish pride, a government standing tall for its citizens? So far, statements have been limited more or less to “the incident is under investigation”.

It is clear that the detention of some 40 Israelis disembarking from a flight originating in Tel Aviv was solely for the purpose of embarrassing Israel, to put Jerusalem in her place after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu refused to issue a public apology to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his cronies – all surrounding the Israel naval commando operation against the Marmara terrorist ship. The latter however knows how to stand tall and defend his Islamic pride, while the prime minister of the Jewish People on the other hand seems to be too busy seeking to placate the White House, maintaining a low profile in the face of mounting ‘social justice’ protests, and juggling to prepare for a possible unilateral Palestinian declaration of statehood later this month. This all in addition to ordering troops to use the cover of darkness to enter the community of Migron and oust three families from their homes, and then move ahead with the destruction of the buildings – leaving 12 children homeless.

The Israelis who were victims of the Turkish ‘selection’ in the airport were simply embarrassed and humiliated. Women were compelled to undress, underwear included, and some were victimized by the touch of the Turkish police in the name of law and order, calling it a body search.

Where is the Israeli government outrage?! Mr. Netanyahu releases media statements when his wife stands accused or depriving their maid of workers’ rights, but remains silent when 40 citizens, representatives of the State and the Jewish People are publicly humiliated in an airport of an Islamic country – in the eyes of the world. After all, mending relations with this once staunch Islamic ally supersedes any moral requirement to give backing to one’s own people. Mr. Netanyahu, you and your administration are simply an embarrassment to us all! Your gift of gab, above average oratory skills simply no longer cut the mustard. Your bag of tricks has been exposed and simply stated, the emperor has no clothes – we see you for who you are.

The current administration proudly evicts Jews from their homes in Migron while bending over backwards for any and all collateral injuries to Gazans struck in air force retaliatory raids over Hamastine. The Prime Minister’s Office sheds tears for the ‘innocent’ residents of Gaza, those who distribute sweets and dance in the streets when buses are blowing up in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, those partners in peace.

For those who still cling to the Zionist dream, it should be becoming increasingly clear that the redemption will be coming despite the Governments of Israel, those who evict Jews from Sinai, Gush Katif, Northern Shomron and Migron. Those individuals who simply will not shed a tear when Kever Yosef is desecrated by Israel’s peace partners; when the Shalom Al Yisrael Shul in Yericho, the oldest shul in the world is burned to the ground by Arabs who simply wish to express their frustration over the stalled ‘peace process; by the abomination of seeing Kever Rachel encased in a cement cloak in the hope of protecting mispallalim who wish to shed before our Matriarch. We permit Yismael to control the Holy of Hollies, to use Har HaBayis as a launching pad to spread the venomous anti-Semitism that is synonymous is the Waqf and those who are aligned with it. It was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who proudly befriended Adolph Hitler YM”S, and his descendants proudly continue in his footsteps.

It was a Government of Israel that turned a blind eye as hundreds of trucks of earth containing artifacts from the Beis HaMikdosh were carted away from Hay HaBayis over recent years as the Waqf continues to remove any and all traces of its Jewish roots, part of the new Islamic order – rewriting world history to remove Am Yisrael’s Biblical claim to Eretz Yisrael, one that many members of the current administration simply fail to understand.

It is the Governments of Israel that repeatedly declare “Jerusalem is the capital of all three monotheistic religions”, as if Christianity or Islam share Am Yisrael’s G-d-giving right to the Holy City chas v’sholom.

We pray for peace and daven for Moshiach, but simultaneously, those who rule over the Holy Land continue to undermine all that it holy, literally, and we can only hope that Hashem will have mercy on his People and redeem us for the pain is too great.

Shlomo Werner – A Jerusalem resident.

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


8 Responses

  1. I disagree.

    First of all don’t make a big cholent icluding Turkey together with Migron, Gaza and the Har HaBayis.

    Turkey is a seperate issue.

    The present government of Turkey is picking a fight with Israel and hoping that Israel will respond. Erdogan won the last election by an alarmingly low margin. He thinks that a shouting match with Israel will help him internally. The stupidest thing Netanyahu could do now is to yell back and provide Erdogan with this pleasure.

    Israel and Turkey have many common strategic goals and the people in Turkey – for most part – are friendly to Israel. The Erdogan regime will be replaced sooner or later. Developments in Syria may also force him to change his tune very quickly.

    So the best thing to do – is to do nothing.

  2. GREAT article and right on! Has Mr. Werner been taken to the Russian Compound yet for interogation? What a sad state of affairs in EY! And most of the tsoros stems from the moronic leftist socialist worms that are eating away at our homeland from the inside. The arabs we could handle if we had some achdus. But why should things be any different from the way they were 2000 years ago? Ha’shem Yeracheim…..

  3. The Turkish behavior is indeed indefensible but so too is the reported treatment of Turkish nationals by security screeners at El Al, for which this new episode is an apparent quid pro quo. Both sides need to dial down the rhetoric (and temper their behavior) before it spirals out of control.

  4. Mr. pompously self proclaimed “Gadolhadorah,” there has been no reported mistreatment of Turkish nationals by El Al. If you can quote a source for this, fine. If not, stop spreading lies.

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

  5. Reply to NO.5

    Another major jewish website quotes Turkish authorities as complaining that security screeners at Lod subjected Turkish nationals to humiliating searches after flotilla incident last year (which may just be normal agressive security they are known for or may have been more intense than usual in the anger following the incident

  6. Again, Mr. pompously self proclaimed “Gadolhadorah,” what is your source? “Another major jewish website” is not a source but a bluff. No such thing ever happened. The ONLY recorded complaint of the Turks is that their people were “harassed” by being asked why they were traveling to Israel. This is a question asked at every border to every foreigner by every country in the world. So while, no doubt, you are being paid well as a provocateur, you are doing a terrible job. Stupid lies, easily refuted will never pass. You should definitely refund your salary.

    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

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