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In a heartfelt video message played at a protest rally in Tel Aviv, Noa Argamani, one of the four hostages rescued by the Israeli military in a special operation in

U.S., European and Arab mediators are pressing to keep stepped-up cross-border attacks between Israel and Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorists from spiraling into a wider Middle East war that the world

The Israeli government on Sunday unanimously approved the appointment of Likud MK Danny Danon to replace Gilad Erdan as the next Israeli ambassador at the UN. Danon previously served as

A Long Island man has been arrested on a charge of driving while intoxicated after authorities say he crashed his SUV into a nail salon, killing four people and injuring

The U.N. cultural agency has discovered five bombs hidden within the walls of the historic al-Nouri Mosque in the city of Mosul in northern Iraq, a remnant of the Islamic

The levaya of the Kosover Rebbe zt”l will begin at 11 AM at his Bais Medrash in Boro Park and a second at the Vizhnitz Bais Medrash in Monsey, followed

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Washington is working to reach an agreement between Israel and Hamas, proposing new language for parts of the proposed hostage and ceasefire deal, according to a report by Axios. The

Former South Carolina Governor and Trump primary challenger Nikki Haley has issued a warning to Republicans: Democrats will replace President Biden with a younger, more vibrant candidate, and the party

An elderly Chareidi man who entered Qalandiya in the Palestinian Authority overnight Motzei Shabbos was attacked by a mob of Arabs and narrowly escaped serious injury. A mob surrounded his

French voters are being called to the polls on Sunday for an exceptional moment in their political history: the first round of snap parliamentary elections that could see the country’s first far-right

A mother of nine perished in a fire that broke out in her home overnight Motzei Shabbos on the yishuv of Kochav Yaakov in Binyamin. Adina Zahavi, a’h, and her

The Bolivian general accused of leading a failed coup was sent Saturday to a maximum-security prison as he faces charges of terrorism and starting an armed uprising. “At some point

The head of a research organization that has been tracing weapons used in attacks in Ukraine since 2018 told the United Nations Security Council on Friday it has “irrefutably” established

Slowly but steadily this summer, Russian troops are forging through Ukraine’s outgunned and undermanned defenses in a relentless onslaught, prompting the West to push for new weapons and strategies to shore up

The United Nations warned Friday that only 17% of its 169 targets to improve life for the world’s more than 7 billion people are on track to be reached by

As Donald Trump narrows his options for a potential running mate, two politicians known to be on his list are from Florida, leaving open a scenario where his vice presidential

A sense of concern is growing inside the top ranks of the Democratic Party that leaders of Joe Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee are not taking seriously enough

Beryl strengthened into a hurricane Saturday as it churned toward the southeastern Caribbean, with forecasters warning it was expected to become a dangerous major storm before reaching Barbados late Sunday

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