Fallsburg: Amanda Ward Receives Conservative Party Nod

amwAmanda Ward, candidate for Judge in the Town of Fallsburg, has received the endorsement of the Sullivan County Conservative Party. Ward, who is a lifelong resident of the Town of Fallsburg and has a law degree from Hofstra University, is also endorsed by the Republican and Independence Parties. Ward is employed as a Senior Director for Work Force Development at the Center for Discovery and is an adjunct professor at Sullivan County Community College

Andrew Martinez, a member of the Conservative Party and former college student of Amanda Ward thinks that the committee made the right choice. “I believe she will run the Town Court in the same dignified manner that she runs her classroom at the college”, said Martinez. “She will be well versed on the topic, always prepared and very fair”.

Due to a peculiarity in the New York State Election Law, other candidates for judge could still force a primary election on any political party’s line even though they were not selected by that party. Ward says that she isn’t taking the endorsements for granted and intends to continue campaigning vigorously through November.

(YWN Sullivan County Newsroom)

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