Monticello: Budget Does Not Include Funds For New Employee Contracts, State Says

monticelloThe Monticello Village budget for 2014-15 does not include money for the anticipated police union contract, which expired a year ago, or any other employee union contract and that has the state comptroller’s office concerned.

The state agency reviewed the $6.9 million spending plan just prior to final approval by the village board and said the contract settlements “could possibly include an increase to personal services salaries as well as potential liabilities for payments to cover retroactive salaries from the negotiated contracts.” As a result, the comptroller’s office said the board should consider providing additional resources to cover potential anticipated salary increases.

The adopted budget did not include funding to cover potential pay raises.

The state also suggested the village create a tax overlay to cover the any uncollected taxes. No such mechanism was included.
Without it, the village could run into additional financial difficulties if the bulk of the taxes are not included. Real property taxes needed to be collected for the general fund stand at almost $4.9 million.

Village officials called the spending plan a bare bones budget.

(Source: MidHudsonnews)

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