Oorah Camp, TheZone, Hosts Local Law-enforcement and Government Officials

oorahnA group of nearly forty law-enforcement and elected officials, including state police and county sheriffs, paid a visit to Oorah’s summer camp in Gilboa, TheZone, for a beautiful luncheon on Thursday. TheZone’s hundreds of campers from across the country and around the world were proud to host the local representatives in their beloved camp. The luncheon was a mutual show of support for cooperation between the camp and the local and neighboring counties.

“It is incredible to see how keeping open channels of communication with law officials really eliminated all the complaints that were coming up,” says Joel Gold, Law enforcement liason.

The visitors were impressed with the high level of safety and cleanliness at TheZone, as well as the obvious warmth and positive energy of its staff members. The staff members, volunteers all, become mentors and close friends to their charges, whom they keep in touch with throughout the year. With a high staff to camper ratio, each camper is guaranteed a personal and rewarding experience.

“This annual luncheon has become “the event” for the dedicated representatives of these hard-working government agencies to get together and have open conversations in a relaxed setting,” says Rabbi Avraham Krawiec, TheZone Camp Director. “For us, connecting with these agencies solidifies the partnership that we are so proud to have with them, working together to maintain our active camp.”

(YWN Catskills Newsroom)

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