Sweltering Weather Leads To Mosquito Spike

mosq21.jpgYou’ve seen them, heard them or are in pain because of them, these mosquitoes are swarming New York State.

“A lot of rain turns into a lot of mosquitoes,” said Bryon Backenson, a research scientist with the New York State Department of Health. “These really heavy rains, we’ll see some floodwater mosquitoes, which come out in waves. And we’ll see lots and lots of mosquitoes. But they’ll be here for a short period of time and then their populations will crash.”

Just how short is ‘short’?

According to YNN Chief Meteorologist Mike Bono, the mosquitoes will only die out with an extended period of hot, dry weather.

As for the forecast, Bono said, “It looks like we’re not going to end the month of June on a dry note. It’s just going to keep threatening us with showers every day until the end of the month.”

Not quite the news we wanted to hear. On top of that, the humidity and heat are currently worsening the situation.

“When it’s 90 degrees out, their life span can get compressed from three to four days,” said Backenson. “It shortens their life span from egg to adult, but that just means that there are going to be more adults flying around. And more adults mean more laying eggs and you wind up with a second generation.”

(Source: YNN)

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