Three Arrested In Connection With Sullivan County Burglaries

arrestSullivan County Sheriff’s deputies believe they have arrested three individuals responsible for the recent rash of burglaries in the county.

On Tuesday, May 28, deputies investigated a break-in at a residence on Sackett Lake Road in the Town of Forestburgh and an attempted break-in on East Glen Wild Road in the Town of Thompson.

Following up on leads Wednesday morning, May 29, deputies stopped a vehicle fitting the description of one that was observed by witnesses in the vicinity of the attempted burglary the day before. After a brief investigation at the scene, three individuals were taken into custody.

Deputies charged David Murray, 21, and Courtney DeClereq, 26, both of Old Liberty Road in Monticello, and Jahmal Ellerbee, 43, of South Maplewood Road in Monticello, with felony burglary and possession of stolen property. The Deputies found jewelry in the car that was taken in the Sackett Lake burglary.

“We believe these suspects may be connected to additional burglaries in the Town of Neversink and Town of Fallsburg,” said Sheriff Michael Schiff. “We are working with the State Police and Fallsburg Police who originally handled those cases.”

The three suspects were processed by the sheriff’s office in Monticello and then turned over to the Fallsburg Police for further questioning.


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