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Following a vile speech by New York City Councilmember Shahana Hanif in which she called for a “ceasefire” to protect Hamas terrorists, Councilman Kalman Yeger took to the floor of

Many former senior defense officials in Israel have been issuing warnings about Israel’s plan for a ground incursion into the Gaza Strip. As is well-known, the Hamas terror group, over

In an apparent attempt at garnering goodwill on the international stage, the Hamas terror group – the very same one that beheaded babies and burned people alive – released a

Dr. Phil posted a video in defense of Israel, in which he decried the behavior at US universities as “ivy-covered intellectual rot” “The Hamas charter calls for the ultimate annihilation

Liberal comedian Bill Maher went off on Harvard students and faculty, pointing out their stupidity and hypocrisy as it has pertained to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. “There

British bestselling author and newspaper columnist Douglas Murray, who has a way with words when it comes to defending Israel, said in a recent interview that “Israel is the only

Benny Chasson, a resident of Kissufim, a kibbutz next to the Gaza border, told Channel 14 about how he ascertained that the IDF soldiers who rescued him weren’t Hamas terrorists

A large Atzeres Tefilah took place in Flatbush on Sunday. The NYPD tells YWN that approximately 4,000 people attended. This gathering was held on afternoon on Avenue L and East

In a recent encounter on Capitol Hill, Rep. Ilhan Omar declined to answer questions from Fox News correspondent Hillary Vaughn about Israel’s response to recent attacks by Hamas. Many have

Is there a future for Jews in the UK? Judging by videos posted on social media following the huge pro-Palestinian protest in London on Motzei Shabbos, the future seems bleak.

Some 5,000 people gathered in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, on Shabbos for a demonstration calling for the destruction of Israel and a withdrawal of U.S. support for the Jewish State. Starting

The IDF and Shin Bet security agency reported that an IDF fighter jet targeted an “underground terror route” located within a mosque in the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

The father of freed American teen hostage Natalie Raanan said Friday she’s doing well following two weeks in captivity after she and her mother were abducted in Israel by Hamas

The IDF released a video showing rockets launched by Hamas that fell within the Gaza Strip, killing Palestinians. IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari on Motzei Shabbos spoke about the phenomenon. “The

Moshe Weitzman from Ashdod was one of the first EMTs to respond to the Hamas massacres in southern Israel on October 7th and drove one of the first civilian ambulances

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein made a special bikur cholim visit to Amichai Shindler of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom in Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer on Thursday. Kerem Shalom is a mixed

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis voiced strong objections to President Joe Biden’s recent announcement to allocate $100 million in humanitarian assistance to Gaza and the West Bank. This announcement came during

A U.S. Navy warship on Thursday took out three missiles that had been fired from Yemen and were heading north, U.S. officials said. The officials said the USS Carney, a

In a (not so shocking) new update, a European intelligence official has contradicted the initial death toll reported by Gaza’s health ministry (aka Hamas terrorists) in the aftermath of the

The Israel Ministry of Defense has recently received a cargo plane from the United States, carrying the initial shipment of armored vehicles designated for use by the IDF. The vehicles

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