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Thanks to the incredible and diligent work of Boro Park Shomrim, a suspect was arrested for stealing an expensive Shtreimel off a man’s head this past Shabbos. Boro Park Shomrim

Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont who has been anything but helpful to Israel over the years, acknowledged that a permanent ceasefire with Hamas is likely impossible. “I don’t

Siblings Maya and Itay Regev endured terrible horrors while in captivity in Gaza. Maya, 21, who was shot in the ankle before being abducted, underwent surgery in Gaza but the

A video spread on social media in Israel on Motzei Shabbos showing dozens of Hamas terrorists surrendering to IDF forces in the Gaza Strip on Shabbos. In the video, a

IDF soldiers on Friday found AK-47 rifles, ammunition, and other weapons inside a large teddy bear in a school in the Gaza Strip. Troops also found weapons inside UNWRA bags

The founder and executive director of the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) expressed his happiness over the October 7 Hamas massacre, when thousands of individuals, including those associated with Hamas,

In a shocking video translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a Palestinian female TV host shared a “beautiful idea” on a Libyan TV show. “Why do Palestinians

In the wake of the public outcry following the shocking failure of the presidents of “elite” universities to unequivocally condemn calls for the genocide of the Jewish people, University of

A Gazan woman blasted Hamas during an with Al-Jazeera, accusing the terrorist group of stealing international humanitarian aid coming into Gaza. “There is plenty of aid, but all aid goes

Stunning images have emerged on Thursday of hundreds of Hamas terrorists in IDF custody. The IDF has yet to comment on the images, but multiple Palestinian social media channels are

Four Republican presidential candidates were given several opportunities Wednesday to criticize former President Donald Trump, who was absent from the debate again. But they mostly targeted each other, with former

An Erev Chanukah neis occurred in Jerusalem when a parked bus began sliding down a hill, eventually smashing into the courtyard of Yeshivas Itri. The bochurim were in the courtyard

Residents of Gaza have shared their experiences with the Center for Peace Communications regarding life in the region amidst Israel’s war to destroy Hamas. Interviews with Gazans revealed criticism towards

Several representatives of the families of hostages being held in Gaza visited the home of HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman on Tuesday. Those who visited were HaRav Betzalel Schneider, a

Former President Donald Trump declined to rule out abusing power if he returns to the White House after Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity asked him Tuesday to respond to

If anything could be more mindboggling than the video of the presidents of so-called elite US universities failing to unequivocally condemn calls for the genocide of the Jewish people, it

Four Jewish students at “elite” US universities testified to Congress on Tuesday about what they’ve experienced on their campuses since October 7th. The accounts are harrowing. And the total lack

The brother-in-law of Idan Shviti, 28, who was abducted by Hamas to Gaza, visited the home of Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau on Tuesday. HaRav Landau gave him

IDF soldiers from the 460th Armored Brigade and the Nahal Brigade’s 50th Battalion found the largest weapons cache they’ve discovered so far in Gaza – in the heart of a

What do you do when you’re off in the Gaza Strip battling Hamas, but your son’s bris milah is taking place? You join via video call, of course. That’s what

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