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Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas leader, delivered a speech at the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) conference in Doha, Qatar, which was broadcasted on Al-Jazeera Network on January 9, 2024.

Hunter Biden made a surprise visit to a Capitol Hill hearing Wednesday, stirring a political frenzy as Republicans were taking the first step toward holding President Joe Biden’s son in

The Chief Rabbinate organized a special Yom Tefilla on Wednesday afternoon, which took place at the Kosel at 3:30PM, and was attended by thousands upon thousands of people. Several organizations,

The IDF reports that its troops are engaged in ongoing combat with Hamas terrorists in the Khan Younis region of southern Gaza and the Maghazi area in the center of

The IDF has released new footage showcasing the operations of its elite Commando Brigade units, Maglan and Duvdevan, in the southern region of Gaza, specifically around Khan Younis. The IDF

Michelle Obama says she’s deeply worried about the upcoming 2024 White House race, admitting that these fears keep her up at night. In an interview on Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose”

Masked men broke onto the set of a public television channel in Ecuador waving guns and explosives during a live broadcast Tuesday, and the president issued a decree declaring that

The IDF has released new video footage showing infantry soldiers of the Givati Brigade who conducted a raid on the Islamic University located in Khan Younis, which the IDF says

As YWN reported on Monday night, a group of violent “Meshichist” Bochrim have taken full control of Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, and smashed a wall down after

The IDF on Sunday published a recording of a Gazan civilian telling an IDF officer that his cousin was murdered by Hamas for seeking aid from the UNRWA. The Arabic-speaking

CNN’s Jake Tapper strongly criticized Benjamin Netanyahu’s finance minister for what he termed “outrageous” and “racist” comments directed at all Gazans. Tapper’s commentary on this matter was pointed: “In our

An IDF source reportedly leaked a video to Channel 12 showing a group of stripped and bound Palestinian detainees in northern Gaza blaming Hamas for their plight. “For 17 years,

Chaos ensued  at Chabad World Headquarters located at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights on Monday afternoon, disrupting the davening and learning that take place there around the clock. The

An explosion at a Texas hotel in Fort Worth on Monday littered downtown streets with large section of building and debris and injured 11, including one person who is in

President Biden encountered vocal opposition from protesters demanding a cease-fire in Gaza during a speech in South Carolina at a church where nine worshippers were murdered by a white supremacist

Firefighters in Lakewood were battling a three-alarm blaze at a lumber yard on Ocean Avenue on Monday afternoon. According to initial reports, at least two people have been injured in

“Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade accused Joe Biden of going “full Hitler” in a recent speech criticizing former President Donald Trump. Discussing a Washington Post report, Kilmeade highlighted former

The IDF says it has seized control of what it described as the largest weapons manufacturing facility uncovered since the war’s onset. This clandestine site, situated deep underground along a

Dozens of anti-Israel protesters created significant disruptions in Lower Manhattan on Monday morning, leading to the blockade of three major bridges and the Holland Tunnel. The protest, titled “Shut it

A protest by anti-Israel demonstrators in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood this past Shabbos has stirred controversy, particularly due to the actions of the local police. The incident occurred when protesters

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