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The following address was made by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during a reception for the foreign press stationed in Israel. He speaks about the major current events as well as

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) In the accompanying video, we see IDF soldiers operating in the home of the Tamimi family in Nabei Salah near Ramallah to arrest Mahmoud el-Tamimi in

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Anxious family members awaited word on loved ones Wednesday as rescue crews searched grimy debris and ruins for more than a dozen people missing after mudslides

President Donald Trump is expected this week to extend relief from economic sanctions to Iran as part of the nuclear deal, citing progress in amending U.S. legislation that governs Washington’s

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The following is via WABC: New York City Council members were among more than a dozen arrested during a rally in Manhattan over the detention of

(LEVAYA PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Raphael Koby, the father-in-law of Rabbi Raziel Shevach HY”D, who was killed in a terror attack on Tuesday night in Israel, said that his son-in-law

(COMMUNICATED CONTENT) Click here TO DONATE and be inspired by this Woman’s Personal Journey to Parenthood Early Bird Special Extended for 24 more hours!

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) This incident occurred last month, during which 27-year-old Tel Aviv resident and taxi driver Maor Ben-Tov was roaming for fares in Netanya. At 2:30am, four young

Outgoing Gov. Chris Christie said Tuesday that New Jersey needed “tough and plain-spoken leadership” when he took office eight years ago and he delivered it, pulling the state from “the

President Donald J. Trump sent an official letter congratulating the Segal family from Brooklyn, New York upon on the wedding of their child. The offical White House letter was read

(VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) t least 13 people were killed and dozens of homes were swept away or heavily damaged Tuesday as downpours sent mud and boulders roaring down hills

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) President Winfrey? No way, says political prognosticator Donald Trump. “I’ll beat Oprah,” the president declared flatly at a White House meeting Tuesday — though he quickly

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, 22 Teves, in Jerusalem, attended a lunch with NATO member state ambassadors to Israel, chaired by Greek Ambassador to Israel

(AUDIO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Seconds after Rabbi Raziel Shevach H”YD was shot by a terrorist on Tuesday evening, he reached for his phone and called for help. The first call the

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Searching for a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday that an immigration agreement could be reached in two phases —

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) MK Yisrael Eicher used the Knesset podium to come to the defense of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who he explained is under constant attack by the

Thailand’s prime minister has evaded journalists’ questions by bringing out a life-sized cardboard cutout of himself and telling the reporters to quiz it instead of him. Prayuth Chan-ocha then turned

Two Kosher shops were damaged in a fire south of Paris on the third anniversary of the slaying of four Jews at a different kosher supermarket in that city. No

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