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The New York City Fire Department (FDNY) reprimanded firefighters who displayed inappropriate behavior during a recent promotion ceremony, where they booed New York Attorney General Letitia James and cheered for

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was interviewed by Fox News on Monday and responded to US President Joe Biden’s comments on MSNBC over the weekend that Israel’s invasion of Rafah would

A disturbing incident occurred in Crown Heights on Friday morning when an Orthodox Jewish woman was punched in the head by a passing stranger, according to Chabad’s public relations director

During a visit to Bnei Brak last week, the fathers of two female captives in Gaza visited HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau. While in Bnei Brak, they also visited HaTzaddik Chacham

The incredible news that Rosh HaYeshivah HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Kushelevsky welcomed his first child, a ben bechor, at the age of 88 on Sunday morning spread quickly on Israeli media

A counter-protester was arrested at a pro-Palestinian rally in London yesterday after carrying a sign that read “Hamas is a terrorist organization”. Niyak Ghorbani, an exiled Iranian activist, was wrestled

In the late hours of Motzei Shabbos, multiple Chaverim branches began receiving a flood of calls for assistance with flat tires on the ramp from the George Washington Bridge to

US President Joe Biden said in an interview on Saturday with MSNBC that invading Rafah would be a red line but he’ll never leave Israel. Biden was responding to the

In a twist so exquisite  the great dramedy writers couldn’t come up with it, an American humanitarian airdrop in northern Gaza turned deadly on Friday, killing 5 people and wounding

In a recent operation in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, the IDF’s Kfir Brigade’s Netzah Yehuda Battalion achieved significant success, marking a first for the unit’s deployment in Gaza. The battalion,

Israeli troops on Thursday rescued a young girl who became trapped under rubble in the Gazan city of Khan Yunis two days prior. The rescue operation was carried out during

The presidential campaign of Joe Biden is clutching their pearls over a new ad from a pro-Trump PAC that suggests Biden will die in office if he wins a second

In response to last night’s rocket fire on the southern city of Sderot and the nearby community of Nahal Oz, the IDF launched a series of retaliatory strikes on the

President Joe Biden ordered the U.S. military Thursday to set up a temporary port off the coast of Gaza, joining international partners in trying to carve out a sea route

Last Friday, HaGaon HaRav Aharon Dovid Halevi Dunner, Rosh Av Beis Din in London, visited HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein in Bnei Brak, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. The connection between HaRav Zilberstein

A delegation of NYC officials led by Council Speaker Adrienne Adams visited Central Hatzalah Headquarters in Boro Park on Wednesday. The Speaker was joined by Councilmembers Chris Banks, Jennifer Gutierrez,

The fathers of two female soldiers who are being held captive by Hamas in Gaza visited the homes of HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau on Wednesday evening. Shlomi Berger, the father

The IDF reports ongoing operations against Hamas within the Hamad Town residential complex in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis. Troops have engaged gunmen, seized weapons, and conducted searches for the past

The South African government, which opened a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for “genocide,” was disgruntled that the court refused to order Israel to end

In a tense confrontation on Capitol Hill, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann – who, despite his name, is not Jewish – pushed back against a group of Code Pink activists who accused

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