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An official says work on an electric cable linking the power grids of Israel, Cyprus and Greece is on track to start in the first quarter of 2018 after Greek

New York is poised to adopt new standards for the treatment of prisoners held in solitary confinement in local jails. The state’s Commission on Corrections is expected to formally issue

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority, with the participation of volunteers, have uncovered large portions of courses of the Kosel that have been hidden for

Mekubal HaTzaddik Rav Nissim Moiyal is hospitalized in very serious condition after suffering a stroke. The rav has had medical issues during the past year and was hospitalized numerous times.

Leket Israel is releasing a comparative research report on food rescue and loss reduction. Commissioned by Leket Israel, Lexidale Internal Policy Consulting, compares Israel to seven countries and jurisdictions in

Peleg Yerushalmi officials are announcing Wednesday morning 28 Tishrei that protests will continue this afternoon and evening for a third consecutive day. According to Rabbi Menachem Carmel, who spoke to

The Senate is moving ahead on a Republican budget plan, a critical step in President Donald Trump and the party’s politically imperative drive to cut taxes and simplify the IRS

President Donald Trump says he’s “more than close” to naming a new health and human services secretary. But Trump tells Fox News Radio’s Brian Kilmeade in an interview Tuesday that

(VIDEOS & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) New York City police have rounded up an unusual suspect – a young bull on a soccer field. The runaway was spotted at Prospect

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman during Sukkos visited Sderot, the Hesder Yeshiva in particular, escorted by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Dovid Fendel Shlita. (YWN – Israel

French counterterrorism police have arrested 10 people allegedly linked to a far-right extremist who already was in custody on suspicion of planning attacks against mosques, politicians and migrants. A French

This is an open letter to the Peleg Yerushalmi. I have never before written a letter to any publication in the past. My reason for this public letter, is because

A a five-year-old child sustained serious injuries in a vehicular accident on Tuesday morning 27 Tishrei on Chabad Street in Betar Illit, during the morning hours. EMT Yosef Rabb of

There is a well known quotation Quotation from Martin Niemöller, as follows: First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Jerusalem city officials were in Meah Shearim posting a number of new signs resulting in changes in traffic patterns. The turn from Meah Shearim Street to

President Reuven Rivlin on Monday morning 26 Tishrei, at his residence, met with Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University in New York, together with faculty member, Israel’s former

For U.S. presidents, meeting the families of military personnel killed in war is about as wrenching as the presidency gets. President Donald Trump’s suggestion Monday that his predecessors fell short

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