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North Korea’s deputy U.N. ambassador said Tuesday the country plans to launch many more satellites and accused the United States of trying to block its efforts to help peacefully develop

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President Donald Trump emphatically rejected claims Wednesday that he was disrespectful to the grieving family of a slain soldier, as the firestorm he ignited over his assertions of empathy for

Yishuv Amichai, the new home of the uprooted Amona, was finally approved Wednesday by the High Planning Council of the Civil Administration. For nearly a year since they were evacuated

The European Union on Wednesday unveiled new measures to help counter deadly low-tech attacks following a spate of killings in major cities by extremists driving vehicles into crowds of people.

Zahava Gal-On informed the Knesset Speaker of her resignation from the Knesset in order to concentrate on her role as Meretz chairman and lead open primaries. Meretz Chairman Zahava Gal-On

Over several nights in September, some 10,000 men, women and children fled areas under Islamic State control, hurrying through fields in northern Syria and risking fire from government troops to

Twitter vowed to crack down further on hate speech and sexual harassment, days after CEO Jack Dorsey said in a tweet-storm that the company was “still” not doing enough to

(COMMUNICATED CONTENT) If you are looking for an “out of town” community where מדות and לימוד התורה are the focal point, then Rochester may be the place for you. We

Police Chief Roni Alsheich was warned a number of weeks ago in a telephone message that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is dissatisfied with him. according the Ynet report, the police

Iran’s supreme leader on Wednesday urged Europe to do more to back the 2015 nuclear deal after President Donald Trump refused to re-certify the pact. European companies have rushed into

(VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) News commentators address the daily events in Israel, with some drawing comparison between the daily protests from the Peleg faction of the litvish chareidi community and

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) What’s clad in orange and wearing a big smile? If you were at Dorney Park during Sukkos, it had to be Chai Lifeline’s children, their families

Steve Bannon leveled a blistering attack on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other top Republicans at an Arizona fundraiser for a GOP primary challenger to incumbent Sen. Jeff Flake.

A popular Twitter account associated with former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci tweeted out a poll Tuesday asking it’s followers to answer a relatively straightforward question. The tweet from

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