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Even when the split in Degel Hatorah occurred; yes; there was anger, disagreement, confusion, as well as the tangible split, but at the end of the day, most viewed the

Yeshayahu underwent his liver transplant a few days ago. Doctors feel that the twelve-hour procedure went well, B”H. He will be hospitalized for about one month, so the clock is

Two storks struck an Israel Air Force F-35 fighter plane, known in Hebrew as the ‘Adir’, compelling the sophisticated fighter jet to halt training and return to base for maintenance

It’s known as some of the saddest ground in America, a 14-acre plot of Arlington National Cemetery called Section 60 where many U.S. personnel killed in Iraq and Afghanistan are

Beets are often underrated as an ingredient. Some people are scared off because they don’t know what to do with them. Well, that’s not a problem anymore! These four amazing

Sharp words from the Admor Rabbi Shalom of Shotz protesting collaboration with the government of Israel and the mandatory education law. The Admor of Shotz adds that the situation in the Land of

Migrating pelicans can once again stop by for a mouthful of fish in Israel. The Agriculture Ministry says Wednesday it will keep funding a pet project to feed thousands of

President Donald Trump is proving to be an erratic negotiating partner as he punts policy issues to Congress and then sends conflicting signals about what he really wants. His rapid

The streets in Yerushalayim are literally gridlock, following the Peleg protests on Thursday. Dozens upon dozens of buses have been emptied and are sitting vacant on streets. These attached two

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) It is shocking to see but even a Magen David Adom ambulance on an emergency call has to back out of a street as Peleg faction

President Donald Trump tells senators that “maybe someday you’ll see my taxes.” The president made the evidently facetious comment in a White House meeting about tax legislation Wednesday with Republicans

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Israel Police arrived with a charter bus in Jerusalem on Thursday afternoon, as more than sixty Peleg protesters were taken into custody. Hundreds of Peleg Yeshiva

A fear that many had was unfortunately brought to realization on Thursday, when an angry motorist slammed his vehicle into a Peleg protester. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli are fed

(VIDEOS & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) As promised by the Peleg, their “Day of Rage” was taking place across the county. In the fourth consecutive day of Peleg protests in

A Palestinian driver on Thursday morning 29 Tishrei, at about 8:40am, tried to crash the Focus Checkpoint in proximity to Beit El. The driver slammed into a police vehicle. Magen

(COMMUNICATED CONTENT) At first, we didn’t know what it was. The doctors told us they needed to do some testing. By the next morning, we found out that our newborn

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