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President Donald Trump is misrepresenting a report on British crime statistics by blaming an uptick in police-reported incidents on “Radical Islamic terror.” Britain’s Office for National Statistics this week reported

The office of Israel’s president says it has received a plea for pardon from a soldier convicted of fatally shooting an already wounded Palestinian terrorist last year. Elor Azaria began

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Former President George W. Bush on Thursday denounced bigotry in Trump-era American politics, warning that the rise of “nativism,” isolationism and conspiracy theories have clouded the

The Peleg faction’s HaPeles newspaper advertises the new “Shabbos Ma’aritzim” program, a Shabbos to remember the talmidim from Peleg-affiliated yeshivos sitting in IDF prisons for their refusal to be inducted

Just this week, a chareidi family that entered PA (Palestinian Authority) controlled Shechem on their way to Har Bracha, were rescued Baruch Hashem by IDF soldiers. Following that incident, MK

The U.S. government is urging that large, personal electronic devices like laptops be banned from airline checked luggage because of the potential for a catastrophic fire. The Federal Aviation Administration

A Jerusalem police spokesman reported on Friday morning Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan that 120 persons involved in Peleg faction protests were arrested for disturbing the peace. This includes arrests made Thursday

Incoming IDF Chief Education Officer Brigadier-General Tzvika Fairaizen had harsh words during Hoshana Rabba learning in Yishuv Karnei Shomron, blaming the weekly Shabbos Torah sheets in the dati leumi community

CIA Director Mike Pompeo said Thursday that U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that Russian interference in last year’s election did not affect the outcome, but that’s not correct. At a

The leaders of the 28 members of the European Union are showing their support for the Iran nuclear agreement, despite U.S. President Donald Trump’s opposition to it. EU spokesman Preben

The Peleg faction in the party’s erev Shabbos newspaper calls for public kabolas Shabbos in a number of areas to be “MeKadesh Shem Shomayim”. It is clear from the banner

Earlier this week, Mayor de Blasio came to speak to residents of the area, and many long-standing issues – from parking restrictions hurting Sabbath observers, to working-families waiting for Child

Republicans must now shift their focus to enacting President Donald Trump’s sweeping tax plan, a far heavier lift than the $4 trillion budget plan they’ve muscled through the Senate to

R’ Yehuda Dickstein a”h was niftar in Atlanta, Georgia on 25 Tishrei. He had been living there with his son in law and daughter R’ Binyomin and Dena Friedman. R’

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The last two of eight prototypes for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall took shape Thursday at a construction site in San Diego. The prototypes form

Following the arrest of twelve suspects in an ongoing probe into alleged fictitious billing of the IDF, netting millions, authorities on Wednesday 28 Tishrei arrested additional suspects. An air force

U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson is calling on the U.S. State Department to investigate a bizarre string of attacks on diplomats in Cuba. The South Carolina Republican and House Foreign Affairs

The Shas party has declared war against Bnei Brak Mayor Chanoch Zeibert in response to the battle to save Mosdos Ohr David, affiliated with HaGaon HaRav Daniel Zar. The new

Google’s parent company is throwing its financial support behind ride-hailing service Lyft, deepening its rift with market leader Uber. Alphabet Inc., which gets most of its money from Google’s digital

Re-airing campaign allegations, President Donald Trump is pointing to an Obama era uranium deal as the “real Russia story” in contrast to a broader inquiry into Russian meddling during the

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