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The following is via NY1: A city firefighter suffered minor injuries Sunday as a man tried to steal a fire truck after a car crash in Manhattan, according to the

“Death to Jews” graffiti was found in Hebrew and English along with a swastika and “Hamas” in the so-called “Muslim Quarter” of Jerusalem’s Old City. Police were summoned and an

These are state-by-state responses to a request for detailed voter data from President Donald Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which is investigating voter fraud. The information indicates whether

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott has given Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu the names of three brigadier-generals to choose from to appoint his new military secretary. Mr. Netanyahu has

A coalition in upstate New York is creating a 50-mile (80-kilometer) corridor where unmanned aircraft can safely fly beyond the line of sight and drone traffic control systems can be

Quite a number of members of Israel’s chareidi tzibur travel to New York, Europe and other countries where English is required. However, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics, the

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The five living former presidents put aside politics and appeared together for the first time since 2013 at a concert on Saturday to raise money for

Municipal inspectors on Erev Shabbos Parshas Noach shut down a Chabad tefilin booth in Ramat Aviv, threatening failure to close would result in a fine. The shaliach working the booth

The fate of Bowe Bergdahl rests in a judge’s hands now that the Army sergeant has pleaded guilty to endangering his comrades by leaving his post in Afghanistan in 2009.

“Video! Video were the shouts heard at a Peleg faction protest in Jerusalem last week and now, it seems there was merit to those words as the policewoman seen kicking

A judge on Friday tossed out a $417 million jury award to a woman who claimed she developed ovarian cancer by using Johnson & Johnson talc-based baby powder for feminine

Police on Friday evening received a call to a toy factory located in the industrial park located in the northern capital. They were told there is suspicious movement by persons

Eight people suspected of belonging to a French far-right extremist group have been given preliminary terror charges for allegedly plotting attacks against mosques, politicians and migrants. A judicial official told

Nir Barkat is still the preferred mayor of the dati leumi tzibur in Jerusalem, but the percentage of support for him has dropped significantly. This emerges from a survey published

Google’s parent Alphabet Inc. said Friday that its stratospheric balloons are now delivering the internet to remote areas of Puerto Rico where cellphone towers were knocked out by Hurricane Maria.

After the release of the harsh condemnation of the Peleg faction by HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, MK Moshe Gafne speaks out against the violent protests seen last week. In

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he’s willing to bring bipartisan health care legislation to the floor if President Donald Trump makes clear he supports it. A proposal by two

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