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(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Fire broke out on Monday morning 3 Cheshvan in the dormitory of the yeshiva gedola in Rechasim headed by HaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Tzion Sofer. The fire

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Monday there is a place for moderate elements of the Taliban in Afghanistan’s government as long as they renounce violence and terrorism and

United Hatzalah and MDA units on Monday morning 3 Cheshvan responded to a drowning call in a mikve located on Even Haetzel Street in Jerusalem. MDA reports the call arrived

Lehava activists who were arrested this morning on the grounds that they are suspected of committing a crime were released at the police station without bringing them to court. The

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times) Most people with family in Eretz Yisroel who have cars are familiar with the Peleg days of rage.  Essentially, in

(VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) In what was labeled Operation 700, police during the night of 3 Cheshvan (Sunday to Monday) arrested 51 persons suspected of participating in disturbances,

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Beginning on Sunday night the eve of 3 Marcheshvan, thousands of mispallalim are making their way to the tziyun of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia

(Communicated Content) The Yeshiva World was hit by a storm this past Elul with the opening of a brand new first of its kind Yeshiva with a revolutionary approach to

The following letter has been independently verified by YWN to be 100% authentic. No parts of the letter have been edited in anyway: Dear YWN, We live in Jerusalem and

According to the Jerusalem police spokesman unity report, a foreign caregiver was arrested on suspicion of assault and ill-treatment of an approximately 85-year-old woman for several months. On Friday, the

A letter written by one of the Titanic’s passengers a day before the ocean liner sank has sold for 126,000 pounds ($166,000) at an auction in England. The handwritten note,

The heads of the European Union issued a statement to the Jews of Europe, following the rise of the ultra-right wing parties across the continent in general, and in Austria

The Yisrael Beitenu party headed by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman is sponsoring a bill that would permit the senior minister to shut down funding for Peleg-affiliated yeshivos as well as

How much do MKs in Knesset earn monthly? The answer is 41,500 shekels, but it turns out that this sum is not enough for the elected people, and that their

2:39PM IL: [PHOTOS & VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Following is the announced schedule of planned protest activities of the Peleg faction around Israel for Monday afternoon, 3 Cheshvan. Jerusalem –

The following is via The Hill: As Hillary Clinton was beginning her job as President Obama’s chief diplomat, federal agents observed as multiple arms of Vladimir Putin’s machine unleashed an

In what is set to be his first major address outside of Israel to a North American Jewish audience, President Rivlin will deliver the keynote address to the Jewish Federations of

Israel’s academic year began on Sunday morning 22 October but senior lecturers in 17 public colleges are demanding improved benefits and have opted to strike rather than to report to

UPDATED: 1:37PM IL: Peleg organizers are calling on supporters to head to Yerushalayim and converge on the Binyanei Ha’uma area as they plan to shut down areas of the capital

After long and complicated negotiations, rabbonim in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem have removed their cherem to a community pool. The signing of an agreement between the rabbonim, the “Community

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