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Order of the scenes shown in the video: Hundreds walking up the hill from the busses on Rechov Shmuel Hanavi Shiur by HaRav Asher Arielli Shlita Seder in Bais Yeshaya

The Senate is pushing ahead on a $36.5 billion hurricane relief package that would give Puerto Rico a much-needed infusion of cash. The measure also would replenish rapidly dwindling emergency

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) On Sunday, 2 Cheshvan, Israel Air Force Apache helicopters, known as the ‘Peten’ in Israel, returned to service. They were grounded following the accident two months

The head of Vienna’s Jewish community is warning of the dangers of including the right-wing Freedom Party in the Austrian government, asserting that it remains xenophobic despite its newly moderate

By M. Lowinger The air is getting nippy, the sukkah boards arestored away, and the Brooklyn Jewish community is gearing up to face the coming winter season. If that sounds

The Haifa District Court rejected the appeal filed by Sheikh Raed Salah for the decision of the Haifa Magistrate’s Court to detain him until the end of proceedings, after he

U.S. Sen. John McCain has issued a veiled criticism of President Donald Trump’s medical deferments that kept him from serving in the Vietnam War. In an interview with C-SPAN last

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) In the accompanying video, we hear and see Knesset Finance Committee Chairman MK Moshe Gafne open the first session of the committee for the Winter session

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Despite a small group of Peleg protesters out in the streets inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people, stealing their time, clashing with police and destroying property,

President Donald Trump plans to use his 12-day, five-nation Asia trip to encourage a tougher stance against the threat posed by North Korea, but he likely will not make the

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Security inspectors from the Ministry of Defense Crossings Authority, along with representatives of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (Gaza Coordination and Liaison Office),

The widow of a fallen soldier reproached President Donald Trump Monday over his condolence call last week, saying she was angered by his tone and that he couldn’t remember her

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Magen David Adom reports it transported two victims from a Monday morning car accident at Yakir HaKatan Junction in Shomron; a 22-year-old female in moderate condition

Police say a brick has punched a hole in the roof of a New York City bus and injured a passenger. Police are investigating if someone intentionally threw the brick,

Chairman of the Yachad party, former MK and minister Eli Yishai, spoke with Srugim News regarding an initiative of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to reduce the threshold to enter Knesset,

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A chareidi male was taken into custody on Sunday evening 2 Cheshvan as a suspect in the probe against attacks against Arabs who maintain a connection

The Israeli High Court of Justice decided on Sunday that all of the buildings in the Gush Etzion outpost of Netiv Avot that are built, even partially, on privately owned

President Donald Trump promised Monday there will be “no change” to tax incentives for the popular 401(k) retirement programs. “This has always been a great and popular middle class tax

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